FREE Kansas CDL Practice Test 2024 - DMV Practice Test Page 2 of 7

This is your chance to practice questions from the Kansas Commercial Driver License Manual as well as questions from the real CDL written exam. You'll review what you've learned about safe commercial driving procedures as you answer these 50 multiple-choice questions, which cover anything from the safe speed for a steep downhill to drunk driving.. Read More

This is your chance to practice questions from the Kansas Commercial Driver License Manual as well as questions from the real CDL written exam. You'll review what you've learned about safe commercial driving procedures as you answer these 50 multiple-choice questions, which cover anything from the safe speed for a steep downhill to drunk driving rules. Read the explanations that accompany with each question to get a better understanding of the ideas you'll need to pass your written exam the first time around.

To Pass

8 . If you’re unfamiliar with the area in which you must back up, you should:

Turn on your high beam headlights. Backing is always dangerous because you cannot see everything behind your vehicle. Especially if you are unfamiliar with the area, you should get out of your vehicle and familiarize yourself with your path of travel before beginning to back up.

9 . You may be denied a HazMat endorsement if:

You do not suffer from a mental illness. You will be denied a HazMat endorsement, or lose an existing endorsement, if you are not a lawful permanent U.S. resident; you renounce your U.S. citizenship; you are wanted for, under indictment for, or convicted of certain felonies; you are judged as mentally unstable or are committed to a mental institution; or you are deemed to pose a security threat by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

10 . Air tank drains:

Must remain open during transit. In an air brake system, the air storage tanks must be drained to remove accumulated water and compressor oil. Failing to do so can cause damage. Manually operated drains should be used at the end of each day of driving.

11 . When asked to complete an offset back/right parking maneuver, you should:

Pull forward to the left, then back in a straight line. If you are asked to complete an offset back/right parking maneuver, you should first pull straight forward, then back up to the right. Your vehicle must be parked completely within the boundaries of the parking space.

12 . If another driver is following you too closely, you should do all of the following, except:

Avoid relying on tricks to help others pass. If you are being followed too closely, you should increase your following distance, avoid making quick moves, and avoid relying on tricks (such as flashing your lights) to help other drivers pass. Speeding up may only increase the danger by causing the tailgater to continue tailgating you at a higher speed.

13 . The best way to avoid glare at night from oncoming vehicles is to:

Use your high beams. To avoid being blinded by the lights of oncoming vehicles, you can glance to the right side of the road until the vehicle has passed.

14 . Which of the following is not a rule for using turn signals?

Don’t signal unless another vehicle is close. Always signal before a turn or lane change. Begin signaling well in advance of the movement and keep the signal on continuously during the turn. If it is not self-canceling, make sure to turn your signal off after your turn or lane change is complete.

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See the exact questions that will be on the 2024 Kansas DMV exam.