FREE Louisiana DMV Practice Test #8 Page 4 of 5
Louisiana's DMV practise tests have been revised for January 2025. It includes questions based on the Louisiana Driver Handbook's most significant traffic signals and legislation for 2025. Use actual questions that are very similar (often identical!) to the DMV driving permit test and driver's licence exam to study for the DMV driving permit test and driver's licence exam.
On the practise exam, each question gets a tip and explanation to help you remember the concepts. The written component of the official Louisiana DMV test will include questions about traffic rules, traffic signs, and driving statutes, as well as knowledge from the Driver Handbook.
To obtain a passing grade, you must correctly answer 32 of the 40 questions. Take our DMV practise exam to help you prepare for your Louisiana instruction permit or driver's licence.
The DMV exam is available in several languages.
Using any kind of testing assistance will result in an automatic fail, and the DMV may take additional action against your driver's licence, so stay away from it.
25 . This sign means:

Warning signs are usually diamond-shaped with black markings on a yellow background. They alert drivers to upcoming hazards. This sign warns drivers that the right lane is ending or that the road is narrowing ahead.
26 . This sign means:

Warning signs are usually diamond-shaped with black markings on a yellow background. They alert drivers to upcoming hazards. This sign indicates that the divided highway is about to end.
27 . When approaching a school bus stopped with its stop arm extended, drivers should:
When approaching a stopped school bus that is using its stop signal, a driver is required to come to a complete stop. They should not proceed until the stop arm is withdrawn.
28 . Why is it important to adjust your headrest before driving?
Headrests protect vehicle occupants from whiplash. Adjusting your headrest is an important step to take before driving.
29 . This sign means:

Warning signs prepare drivers for upcoming road conditions and hazards and are usually yellow with black markings. This sign tells drivers to be aware of potential traffic entering from an upcoming side road.
30 . As a pedestrian, you should:
Pedestrians should not enter a street or crosswalk when vehicles are approaching. Though pedestrians have the right-of-way in crosswalks, a vehicle approaching from a close distance may not have the time to stop before entering the crosswalk.
31 . A regulatory sign containing a red circle with a slash through the middle indicates:
Some regulatory signs prohibit certain actions. These signs are rectangular and white with red and black markings. A red circle and slash on top of a black symbol indicates that the specified action is forbidden.
32 . What might happen when alcohol is combined with another drug?
Consuming both alcohol and another drug may enhance the effects of both. For example, taking one drink when you are also using a cold remedy could affect you as if you have had several drinks.
See the exact questions that will be on the 2025 Louisiana DMV exam.
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