FREE Indiana DMV Practice Test #9 Page 4 of 5
This set of Indiana DMV practise tests has been updated for January 2025. It includes questions based on the Indiana Driver Handbook's most significant traffic signals and laws for 2025. Use actual questions that are very similar (often identical!) to the DMV driving permit test and driver's licence exam to study for the DMV driving permit test and driver's licence exam.
On the practise exam, each question gets a tip and explanation to help you remember the concepts. The written component of the official Indiana DMV test will include questions about traffic rules, traffic signs, and driving statutes, as well as information from the Driver Handbook.
To obtain a passing grade, you must correctly answer 44 of the 50 questions. Take our DMV practise exam to help you prepare for your Indiana instruction permit or driver's licence.
The DMV exam is available in several languages.
Using any kind of testing assistance will result in an automatic fail, and the DMV may take additional action against your driver's licence, so stay away from it.
28 . The best way to deal with tailgaters is to:
Check the traffic behind you several times a minute to know if another driver is tailgating, approaching too fast, or trying to pass. If another car is following you too closely, slow down and let it pass. Most rear-end collisions are caused by vehicles following too closely.
29 . When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at the same time, which vehicle must yield the right-of-way?
At intersections that are controlled by signs or signals and at intersections that are uncontrolled, the driver on the left must yield the right-of-way to the driver on the right when two vehicles arrive to the intersection at the same time.
30 . This is a ____ sign.

This triangular sign is a "Yield" sign. When you see this sign, you must slow down to check for traffic and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and approaching cross traffic. Stop only if it is necessary to do so.
31 . This sign means:

Warning signs prepare drivers for upcoming road conditions and hazards and are usually yellow with black markings. This sign warns drivers about an upcoming bridge that has narrow lanes.
32 . To safely pass a bicycle, you should:
When passing a bicyclist, slow down and give them as much space as you can. Bicyclists have much less protection than drivers of motor vehicles and they should not be crowded. Passing a bicycle too quickly can shift the bicyclist off-course.
33 . Which of the following does not happen after drinking?
Alcohol reduces your reaction time, reduces your ability to see clearly, changes your judgment of speed and distances, reduces your ability to recover from the glare of headlights, and often reduces your inhibitions and makes you more likely to take risks.
34 . A regulatory sign containing a red circle with a slash through the middle indicates:
Some regulatory signs prohibit certain actions. These signs are rectangular and white with red and black markings. A red circle and slash on top of a black symbol indicates that the specified action is forbidden.
35 . This sign is a:

Warning signs are usually diamond-shaped and yellow with black lettering or symbols. They warn drivers about special situations or potential hazards ahead.
36 . What might happen when alcohol is combined with another drug?
Consuming both alcohol and another drug may enhance the effects of both. For example, taking one drink when you are also using a cold remedy could affect you as if you have had several drinks.
37 . If your car breaks down on a highway, you should:
If your vehicle breaks down on the highway, you should signal before carefully exiting the roadway and turning on your hazard flashers. Get as far off the road as possible and park in a location where other drivers can easily see you. Lift your hood to let other drivers know your vehicle is disabled.
38 . This sign means: