Air Brakes #1

FREE Air Brakes Endorsement Test Online | Maine 2024

Train for FREE online with our Maine CDL air brake test. The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a ME Class A/Class B driver license in 2021, practice as much as..

Train for FREE online with our Maine CDL air brake test. The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a ME Class A/Class B driver license in 2021, practice as much as possible. Free sample tests published on our website will help you check and improve your knowledge and boost your grades. Please bear in mind that the requirements for CDL may vary from state to state.


1 . If the spring brakes are on, you should:

Do not use the brake pedal when the spring brakes are on. This could damage the brakes by subjecting them to the combined forces of springs and air pressure.

2 . During a static leakage test, what is the maximum leakage rate that is safe for a double combination vehicle?

When performing a static leakage test on a double combination vehicle with air brakes, the leakage rate should be no more than 3 psi in one minute. If the air leaks from the air brake system at a quicker rate, the vehicle should not be driven because something likely needs to be repaired.

3 . What tells you how much pressure is in your vehicle's air tanks?

A vehicle that is equipped with air brakes must also be equipped with a supply pressure gauge. This gauge tells the driver how much air pressure is in each of the vehicle's air tanks.

4 . Braking mechanisms are located inside:

Drum brakes are attached to the wheels and located on the axles of a vehicle. The braking mechanisms that cause the vehicle to stop can be found inside of a drum brake.

5 . What kind of force do emergency brakes use?

Air brakes are really three different braking systems: the service brake, the parking brake, and the emergency brake. Emergency and parking brakes are applied with mechanical force.

6 . Why should you regularly drain the air tanks?

Compressed air usually contains a certain amount of moisture and compressor oil, which can build up in the air storage tanks and damage the brake system. The tanks should be drained to clean out these accumulations. On a tank with a manual drain valve, draining should be performed at the end of each day of driving.

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