FREE Alabama DMV Practice Test #6 Page 5 of 5
This Alabama DMV practise tests for January 2025 was just updated. It includes questions based on the most important traffic signs and restrictions from the official Alabama Driver Handbook for 2025. To prepare for the DMV driving permit test and driver's licence exam, use authentic questions that are very similar (often identical!) to the DMV driving permit test and driver's licence exam.
Each practise test question contains a tip and explanation to help you remember the concepts. Questions about road rules, traffic signs, and driving statutes, as well as information from the Driver Handbook, will be included in the written portion of the official DMV test.
You must properly answer 32 out of 40 questions to receive the required passing score. To help you prepare for your Alabama instruction permit or driver's licence, take our DMV practise exam.
The DMV exam is accessible in a variety of languages.
Using any kind of testing assistance during the test will result in an automatic failure, and the DMV may take additional action against your driver's licence, so don't do it.
33 . If your car's suspension is bad, it can cause:
Your suspension helps you control your vehicle and provides a comfortable ride over varying road surfaces. If your vehicle bounces a lot after driving over a bump, or is generally hard to control, you may need new suspension parts.
34 . You should drive on the shoulder to pass a car:
Passing on the right is permissible only if it is possible to do so without driving off the roadway. Never pass another vehicle on the shoulder because the other driver will not expect you to be there and may pull off the road.
35 . You want to park uphill on a two-way road and there is no curb. Which direction do you turn your front wheels?
When parking either uphill or downhill on a road that has no curb, you should turn your wheels so that the vehicle will roll away from the center of the road if the brakes fail.
36 . When crossing a sidewalk to enter traffic from an alley or driveway, drivers should:
When leaving an alley, driveway, or parking lot to enter a roadway, you must stop before driving onto a sidewalk or sidewalk area. Pedestrians and existing traffic have the right-of-way.
37 . Motorcycles, scooters, and mopeds are not easy to see; therefore, you should:
Motorcycles can be easily hidden in a vehicle’s blind spot or missed in a quick look due to their small size. Drivers of cars must always be alert and looking for motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters.
38 . If it is necessary to make an emergency stop while driving on an interstate, you should:
If you must stop on the shoulder of the interstate or highway, turn on your emergency flashers to warn other drivers and stay inside your vehicle, if you can. The extremely high speed of traffic makes standing or walking along an interstate highway very dangerous.
39 . This yellow sign means:

Some warning signs have a fluorescent yellow-green background. These signs warn of upcoming conditions, including roads with curves and sharp turns.
40 . This sign means:

This sign marks the presence of a crosswalk. Be alert to any pedestrians that may be crossing the roadway.
See the exact questions that will be on the 2025 Alabama DMV exam.
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Joe initially studied with the handbook and failed his test, he eventually found us online, studied and pass his test the first time around.