FREE Alabama DMV Practice Test #16 Page 4 of 5
This Alabama DMV practise tests for January 2025 was just updated. It includes questions based on the most important traffic signs and restrictions from the official Alabama Driver Handbook for 2025. To prepare for the DMV driving permit test and driver's licence exam, use authentic questions that are very similar (often identical!) to the DMV driving permit test and driver's licence exam.
Each practise test question contains a tip and explanation to help you remember the concepts. Questions about road rules, traffic signs, and driving statutes, as well as information from the Driver Handbook, will be included in the written portion of the official DMV test.
You must properly answer 32 out of 40 questions to receive the required passing score. To help you prepare for your Alabama instruction permit or driver's licence, take our DMV practise exam.
The DMV exam is accessible in a variety of languages.
Using any kind of testing assistance during the test will result in an automatic failure, and the DMV may take additional action against your driver's licence, so don't do it.
25 . This sign means:

This sign indicates that U-turns are prohibited. You may see a sign like this at an intersection that commonly has oncoming traffic.
26 . When you are behind a motorcycle, you should:
When following a motorcyclist, allow for at least a three- to four-second following distance. Motorcycles can stop quickly and following them too closely endangers your life and that of the motorcyclist. If the motorcyclist should fall, you need extra distance to avoid the rider. The chances of a fall are greatest on wet and icy roads, gravel roads, and metal surfaces such as bridges, gratings, and streetcar or railroad tracks.
27 . You are on the freeway and traffic is merging into your lane. You should:
When traffic permits, you should make room to allow vehicles to merge into your lane.
28 . This sign indicates a:

Yellow signs with black markings are used to warn drivers about upcoming hazards or special conditions. Round signs are used only to warn about upcoming railroad crossings.
29 . "No passing zone" signs tell drivers:
If you come across a "No passing zone" sign, it is not legal to pass in the indicated area. You are likely driving in an area with restricted visibility where it would be unsafe to pass another vehicle.
30 . What should a driver do when approaching a traffic control signal that is not in operation?
When traffic control signals are not working, a driver must always treat the intersection as an all-way stop and come to a complete stop, unless otherwise directed by law enforcement. The driver must then look and yield the right-of-way before entering the intersection.
31 . Which of the following statements about driving speed is true?
As driving speeds increase, the chance of a fatality in the case of a collision increases. If you are going faster than 80 miles per hour, you have almost no chance of living through a crash. The speed you drive affects your stopping distance, so you should increase your following distance as you increase your speed.
32 . After passing a vehicle, it is safe to return to your driving lane when:
Before you return to your driving lane, be sure you are not dangerously close to the vehicle you have just passed. One way to do this is to look for the vehicle in your inside rearview mirror. When you can see both headlights in your rearview mirror, you may have enough room to return to your driving lane.
See the exact questions that will be on the 2025 Alabama DMV exam.
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Joe initially studied with the handbook and failed his test, he eventually found us online, studied and pass his test the first time around.