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FREE North Dakota CDL Practice Test 2024 - DMV Practice Test

You're taking the next step toward a lucrative career by acquiring your CDL in North Dakota, which is a land of opportunity for jobs in the transportation business. You'll go a step closer to passing your CDL written exam today by taking a practice test that closely resembles the types of questions you'll see on the real..

You're taking the next step toward a lucrative career by acquiring your CDL in North Dakota, which is a land of opportunity for jobs in the transportation business. You'll go a step closer to passing your CDL written exam today by taking a practice test that closely resembles the types of questions you'll see on the real thing. These 50 multiple-choice questions will put your knowledge of driving strategies, emergency preparedness, traffic rules, handling exceptional situations, and more to the test. The North Dakota Commercial Drivers License Guide contains all of the information you'll need to get a perfect score. Return as frequently as you need to practice.


1 . At what psi is the safety valve set to open?

500 psi In an air brake system, the first tank that receives compressed air has a safety valve that releases air if the pressure gets too high. It is usually set to open at 150 psi. If the valve must open, there is a fault in the system that should be repaired by a mechanic.

2 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Four to five Being properly rested is essential to the safe operation of a CMV. To maintain alertness, most people need seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

3 . If being tailgated, you should:

Drive on the shoulder. You may be tailgated when you can't drive fast enough to keep up with other traffic. If a heavy load is slowing you down, stay in the right lane, if possible.

4 . The maximum legal width for any vehicle is:

9 feet, 8 inches. In North Dakota, the total outside width of a vehicle is generally limited to 8 feet and 6 inches.

5 . When traveling with cargo, the cargo should be checked:

Only after arriving to the final destination. Cargo should be inspected before beginning a trip, within the first 50 miles of the trip, and every three hours or 150 miles traveled thereafter. The driver of a truck transporting cargo is responsible for the cargo being safely secured throughout the trip.

6 . An underloaded front axle:

Is discouraged as it can improve fuel efficiency. Underloading a front axle may make it impossible to safely steer your vehicle. Keep weight distribution in mind when loading cargo.

7 . Extremely hot temperatures can cause:

Increased gas mileage. Because air expands when hot, tire pressure increases as temperatures increase. This can sometimes result in tire failure. Consistently check your tire pressure when making a trip in hot weather.

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