Knowledge Test Class A #2

FREE Wyoming CDL Practice Test 2024 - DMV Practice Test

Outsiders may not know much about Wyoming, except that it is known for its magnificent beauty. However, Wyoming exports over $1 billion worth of goods each year, and many of those goods begin their journey out of Wyoming in a commercial vehicle. Obtaining a commercial driver's license entails becoming a key component of Wyoming's..

Outsiders may not know much about Wyoming, except that it is known for its magnificent beauty. However, Wyoming exports over $1 billion worth of goods each year, and many of those goods begin their journey out of Wyoming in a commercial vehicle. Obtaining a commercial driver's license entails becoming a key component of Wyoming's economy. Today, you'll get 50 multiple-choice questions based on the Wyoming Driver License Manual for Commercial and Heavy Vehicles, prepared in the same style as the real exam, covering topics like right-of-way restrictions, braking, backing, drunk driving statutes, and more. Use the suggestions provided and pay close attention to the explanations because they will aid you in answering future questions on the same content on the real exam.


1 . Most drivers are the least alert:

After work. Fatigue and lack of alertness are major hazards when driving at night. Most people are the least alert at night, especially after midnight.

2 . What is another name for front end header boards?

Bonkers Front-end header boards, also known as "headache racks," protect the driver from cargo moving in the event of a crash or emergency stop.

3 . When pulled off on the side of the road:

If you must stop on the side of the road, make sure to use your four-way emergency flashers. This is particularly important at night.

4 . Blocking is used to:

Prevent cargo from being unloaded easily. Blocking and bracing are used to prevent cargo from sliding in transit.

5 . Looking far ahead of your vehicle when driving is:

Only encouraged when transporting hazardous materials. When driving, you should scan the road at least 12 to 15 seconds ahead of your vehicle. This will allow you to notice hazards as early as possible, giving you time to react to them appropriately.

6 . Air pressure should build up in a single air system within:

One minute. In a vehicle with a single air brake system, after the engine is at operating rpms, the pressure in the air system should generally build from 50 to 90 psi within three minutes.

7 . How is the parking brake released?

By tapping the accelerator twice In newer vehicles with air brakes, the parking brakes are controlled by a diamond-shaped yellow knob. Pull the knob out to activate the parking brakes and push it in to release them.

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