FREE Arkansas DMV Practice Test #11 Page 3 of 3
This Arkansas DMV practise tests was recently updated for January 2025. It includes questions based on the 2025 Arkansas Driver Handbook's most essential traffic signs and restrictions. Use actual questions that are very similar (often identical!) to the DMV driving permit test and driver's licence exam to study for the DMV driving permit test and driver's licence exam.
To help you remember the concepts, each practise test question includes a recommendation and explanation. The written component of the official DMV test will include questions about road rules, traffic signs, and driving statutes, as well as information from the Driver Handbook.
To receive the required passing grade, you must correctly answer 20 out of 25 questions. Take our DMV practise exam to help you prepare for your Arkansas instruction permit or driver's licence.
The DMV exam is available in multiple languages.
Using any form of testing aid will result in an automatic fail, and the DMV may take further action against your driver's licence, so don't do it.
17 . At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always:
Any time you come to a place where people may cross or enter your path, or where one line of traffic meets another, you should look to the left and right sides of your vehicle to make sure no one is coming.
18 . A school bus is stopped ahead of you in your lane with its red lights flashing. You should:
When a stopped school bus is using its flashing red lights, approaching drivers must stop and remain stopped until the lights stop flashing. If the school bus is on the opposite side of a divided highway, drivers do not need to stop.
19 . If you are approaching a railroad crossing that has no safety barrier in place, you should:
If you are approaching a railroad crossing that has no safety barrier, cross the tracks only after checking in both directions for any oncoming trains. If a train is approaching, come to a complete stop at a safe distance and wait for the train to pass. Never try to outdrive a train.
20 . Which of the following statements is true?
Driving too slowly can be dangerous because it may cause drivers behind you to become frustrated and make dangerous moves to pass you. It is safest to drive with the flow of traffic, within the legal speed limit.
21 . There are two traffic lanes moving in your direction. You are driving in the left lane and many vehicles are passing you on the right. If the driver behind you wishes to drive faster, you should:
To drive quickly, pass, or turn left, use the left lane. Use the right lane when driving more slowly than surrounding traffic, entering the road, or turning right.
22 . Signs that are orange-colored are:
Highway work zones are established according to the type of work underway along the roadway. Signs in work areas are typically diamond-shaped, orange, and displaying black letters or symbols. They serve as a warning that people are working on or near the highway.
23 . You should always travel:
The speed at which you should drive your vehicle depends on road conditions, the weather, and the legal speed limit. You may never drive above the legal speed limit. Decrease your speed when anything makes conditions less than ideal.
24 . Drivers may pass another vehicle by using the shoulder of a road:
On multilane roads, the left-most lane is intended to be used for passing. Never pass another vehicle by using the shoulder of a road, whether the shoulder is paved or not. Other drivers will never expect you to be there and may pull off the road and into your vehicle without looking.
25 . From top to bottom, the following is the proper order for traffic lights: