FREE Online Hazmat Test | DMV Kansas 2024 Page 4 of 5

On our website, we provide FREE practice - CDL hazmat test online! The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a KS CDL hazmat endorsement in 2021, practice as much as.. Read More

On our website, we provide FREE practice - CDL hazmat test online! The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a KS CDL hazmat endorsement in 2021, practice as much as possible. Free sample tests published on our website will help you check and improve your knowledge and boost your grades. Please bear in mind that Kansas requirements for issuing a hazmat endorsement for CDL may vary from those established in other states.

To Pass

19 . Your vehicle's final position should be:

Within two feet of the final position described by the examiner. You should finish each exercise with your vehicle in the exact position described by the examiner. You can be penalized for failing to complete an exercise exactly in the manner described by the examiner, potentially resulting in failure of the basic control skills test.

20 . When checking the springs during a vehicle inspection, do all of the following, except:

Glue cracked leaf springs. When checking the springs as part of the vehicle inspection test, you should look for missing, shifted, cracked, or broken leaf springs, as well as broken or distorted coil springs. If the vehicle is equipped with torsion bars, torque arms, or other types of suspension components, ensure that they are not damaged and are mounted securely.

21 . During the on-road driving test, you should:

Drive in an unsafe manner. During the on-road driving test, you must listen to and follow the directions given by the examiner. They will never ask you to drive in an unsafe manner.

22 . Which agency helps coordinate emergency response to chemical hazards?

The National Transportation Network As a resource to police and firefighters, the National Response Center helps coordinate emergency response to chemical hazards.

23 . If corrosive materials leak in the trailer, the trailer should be:

Cleaned with bleach. Parts of a vehicle that have been exposed to a corrosive material must be thoroughly washed with water.

24 . If you are transporting explosives and your vehicle breaks down, you may notify other drivers:

By keeping the driver's side door open. If your vehicle breaks down on the road while you are transporting explosive materials, you must warn other drivers. Put out warning signals like reflective triangles or electric lights if you are carrying Division 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 explosives. Do the same if you are driving a tank used to transport Class 3 flammable liquids or Division 2.1 flammable gases, even if the tank is empty. If transporting flammable materials, do not use warning signals that could cause your cargo to catch fire.

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See the exact questions that will be on the 2024 Kansas DMV exam.