Combination #2

FREE CDL Combination Vehicles Practice Test Online | Massachusetts 2024

Train for FREE online with our Massachusetts CDL combination vehicle test. The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a MA combination license in 2021, practice as much as..

Train for FREE online with our Massachusetts CDL combination vehicle test. The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a MA combination license in 2021, practice as much as possible. Free sample tests published on our website will help you check and improve your knowledge and boost your grades. Please bear in mind that DMV requirements for issuing a combination license may vary from state to state.


1 . Failure to keep the fifth wheel plate properly greased could:

Affect the lights. Failure to keep the fifth wheel plate properly lubricated can create friction between the tractor and trailer, causing steering problems.

2 . If a trailer begins to skid, the driver should:

Accelerate. If your trailer starts to skid while you are braking, you should release the brakes and allow them to begin to regain traction. Once its wheels have regained their grip on the road, the trailer will begin to straighten out and follow the tractor.

3 . When a combination vehicle goes around a corner:

It is acceptable for street signs to be knocked over if they are too close to the road. When a vehicle goes around a corner, the rear wheels follow a different path than the front wheels. This is called off-tracking. This effect is especially pronounced on vehicles with trailers.

4 . A shut-off valve:

Should always be open. Shut-off valves are used in air supply lines to control the passage of air from one trailer to another. The rear shut-off valve should always be closed to prevent air from leaving the braking system.

5 . In a combination rig, it is best to make:

Slow, planned stops. When driving a combination vehicle, it is important to brake well in advance and look far ahead of your vehicle to avoid the need for sudden stops. Making habits of these actions will help you prevent your trailer from jackknifing.

6 . After connecting the air lines to the trailer while coupling, you should:

Connect the electrical cord. Correctly following the steps to couple and uncouple trailers is vital to safely operating a combination vehicle. After connecting the air lines to the trailer while coupling, you should supply air to the trailer.

7 . Test the tractor protection valve by:

Releasing air with the gas pedal. You should test the tractor protection valve by allowing the air supply to properly charge, turning off the engine, then releasing air from the system by pressing the brake pedal several times. The tractor protection valve should move into its emergency position when psi drops to an unsafe level.

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