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The easiest method to ensure that you pass your written Virginia CDL test is to practice questions that are identical to those that will appear on the exam. The following 50 multiple-choice questions are based on the Virginia Commercial Driver's Manual, current Virginia state legislation, and questions from the Virginia DMV Sample Knowledge Exam for commercial drivers, and each one has a hint and explanation. They teach everything from train crossing restrictions to proper shifting procedures, so you can be a safer driver.

To Pass

8 . Which of the following is not a reason to cover cargo?

You should cover your cargo to protect people from the cargo if it spills, as well as to protect the cargo from the weather.

9 . Without the proper amount of oil in its engine:

It is essential that a vehicle's engine have adequate oil pressure. An engine can be destroyed rapidly if it is run without oil.

10 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Four to five Being properly rested is essential to the safe operation of a CMV. To maintain alertness, most people need eight to nine hours of sleep per night.

11 . An out-of-service order:

Federal and state officials may have the authority to inspect commercial vehicles. If a vehicle is determined to be unsafe, they may order that it be placed out-of-service until the problems are fixed.

12 . What is often found in compressed air?

Compressed air in an air brake system usually contains a certain amount of water and compressor oil. The water and oil can damage the brakes if left to accumulate in the system. Tanks must be drained regularly to remove this build-up.

13 . Hanging meat:

An operator should drive with care when transporting a cargo of hanging meat. Such a load is unstable, both because it has a high center of gravity and because the swinging of the meat can affect the driver's handling of the vehicle.

14 . If a vehicle is equipped with a retarder and the vehicle's drive wheels have poor traction:

When a vehicle's drive wheels have poor traction, the use of a retarder may cause them to skid. A retarder should be turned off when a vehicle is being driven under wet, icy, or snowy conditions.

See the exact questions that will be on the 2024 Virginia DMV exam.

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See the exact questions that will be on the 2024 Virginia DMV exam.