Motorcycle Test | License MN 2025 | FREE Online Practice! #1
Take this FREE motorcycle test (license in MN 2025) to check your knowledge of the road rules. To improve your results, download a motorcycle handbook online, study theory, and practice for free on our website. Still worried about how to get a motorcycle license in Minnesota in 2025? Check our website for more sample tests, train as much as possible, and boost your grades!
1 . Riding at night is usually:
Riding safely at night is challenging because it is harder to see and be seen than it is during the day. The absence of normal shadows and light contrasts makes it harder to judge distances.
2 . If a tire goes flat while you are riding and you must stop, you should:
If either of your tires go flat while you are riding, hold the handgrips firmly, ease off the throttle, and maintain a straight course. If you need to brake, gradually apply the brake to the tire that is not flat. As you slow down, edge to the side of the road, squeeze the clutch, and stop.
3 . A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:
A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield can help protect your whole face if you are involved in a crash. Goggles protect your eyes, but not the rest of your face. A windshield is not an adequate substitute for googles or a face shield.
4 . When riding over rough surfaces, you should:
When riding over a rough surface, hold onto the handgrips firmly to ensure that you will maintain directional control over your motorcycle.
5 . When stopping behind a vehicle, you should:
Stay well behind the vehicle in front of you, even if you are both stopped. The vehicle could back up unexpectedly, or you may need space to get out of the way of another vehicle bearing down on you from behind.
6 . Which fabric provides the most protection when worn by motorcyclists?
Leather jackets and pants provide the greatest level of protection when riding.
7 . This sign means:

Warning signs are usually diamond-shaped with black markings on a yellow background. They alert drivers to upcoming hazards. This warning sign indicates that drivers are about to encounter a divided highway.
8 . Which of the following provides the best protection?
A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield provides protection for the wearer's entire face in the event of a crash. Goggles may protect someone's eyes, but not the rest of their face. A windshield is not an adequate substitute for either.
See the exact questions that will be on the 2025 Minnesota DMV exam.
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Jeneen was tired of paying $5/gallon. She got herself a scooter that required the motorcycle license. She studyed the motorcycle test cheat sheet and passed her test the next day!
Christopher tells us how he knew nothing prior to obtaining the motorcycle study guide, and he only got one question wrong because he clicked on the wrong answer by mistake.