Motorcycle Test | License CO 2025 | FREE Online Practice! #1
Take this FREE motorcycle test (license in CO 2025) to check your knowledge of the road rules. To improve your results, download a motorcycle handbook online, study theory, and practice for free on our website. Still worried about how to get a motorcycle license in Colorado in 2025? Check our website for more sample tests, train as much as possible, and boost your grades!
1 . Experienced riders use the acronym "SIPDE" as a way to remain aware of surrounding conditions. What does the "S" stand for in "SIPDE?"
SIPDE is a five-step process that experienced riders use to make judgements and take action while traveling. The letters in SIPDE stand for Scan, Identify, Predict, Decide, and Execute.
2 . When being passed by another vehicle, motorcyclists should be alert to:
When being passed, motorcyclists should be careful not to be hit by any part of the passing vehicle, including its mirrors. In addition to the vehicle itself, motorcyclists should also be aware of wind gusts coming from the passing vehicle and potential objects being thrown by a passenger in the vehicle who may not be paying attention to the road.
3 . This sign means:

Regulation signs regulate traffic speed and movement, displaying rules which drivers must obey. This regulation sign means that left turns are prohibited.
4 . When traveling on a motorcycle with a sidecar, the passenger should ride:
If your motorcycle has a sidecar, it is best for your passenger to ride in the sidecar. They should keep their hands inside the sidecar at all times.
5 . While accelerating a motorcycle with a sidecar, you should:
A sidecar adds additional weight to one side of your motorcycle. During acceleration, steer slightly in the direction opposite the sidecar to maintain a straight line path.
6 . Which of the following surfaces is unlikely to provide poor traction for motorcyclists?
A number of surfaces can provide poor traction for tires. Wet pavement; roads covered in loose gravel or sand; muddy, snowy, or icy areas; painted lane markings; and metal covers and plates in the road can be more hazardous for a motorcyclist than dry pavement.
See the exact questions that will be on the 2025 Colorado DMV exam.
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Jeneen was tired of paying $5/gallon. She got herself a scooter that required the motorcycle license. She studyed the motorcycle test cheat sheet and passed her test the next day!
Christopher tells us how he knew nothing prior to obtaining the motorcycle study guide, and he only got one question wrong because he clicked on the wrong answer by mistake.