FREE Double Triple Test Online | West Virginia 2024 Page 3 of 3

Train for FREE with our West Virginia CDL double triple practice test online. The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a WV CDL double triple license in 2021, practice as much as.. Read More

Train for FREE with our West Virginia CDL double triple practice test online. The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a WV CDL double triple license in 2021, practice as much as possible. Free sample tests published on our website will help you check and improve your knowledge and boost your grades. Please bear in mind that DMV requirements may vary from state to state.

To Pass

15 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Being properly rested is essential to the safe operation of a CMV. To maintain alertness, most people need eight to nine hours of sleep per night.

16 . If the air pressure warning light comes on, you should:

Safely exit the roadway and stop. If the low air pressure warning signals activate, it is essential that you bring the vehicle to a safe stop while you are still able to control the brakes.

17 . Which of the following is not a warning sign of fatigue?

Staying within your lane Possible warning signs of fatigue include trouble focusing, frequent blinking, or eyelids that feel heavy; repeated yawning; rubbing your eyes; daydreaming, or having wandering or disconnected thoughts; trouble remembering the last few miles; missing exits or traffic signs; trouble keeping your head up; drifting from your lane, following too closely, or hitting a rumble strip; and feeling restless or irritable.

18 . In an emergency situation, you should:

Always turn on your flashers to warn other drivers. Stopping is not always the safest option when responding to an emergency while driving. It is usually safer to steer out of the way when attempting to avoid a crash.

19 . What happens when the wheels of a trailer lock up?

Steering will become easier. A trailer may swing out and strike other vehicles if its wheels lock up. This is especially likely with lightly-loaded trailers.

20 . Air pressure should build up in a single air system within:

One minute. In a vehicle with a single air brake system, after the engine is at operating rpms, the pressure in the air system should generally build from 50 to 90 psi within three minutes.

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See the exact questions that will be on the 2024 West Virginia DMV exam.