Bus Driver Testing | Nebraska 2025 #2 Page 2 of 3
Train for FREE online with our NE bus CDL test. The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a license in Nebraska in 2025, learn how to become a bus driver and then practice as much as possible. Free sample tests published on our website will help you check and improve your knowledge and boost your grades. Please bear in mind that DMV requirements for a bus driver may vary from state to state.
8 . The overhead inside mirror should be adjusted to see:
The top portion of the overhead inside rearview mirror should be positioned to display the top of the bus's rear window. This mirror positioning should allow the driver to see all of the students on the bus, including the heads of the students sitting immediately behind the driver.
9 . When unloading students at a school, the driver should:
When dropping children off at a school, the bus driver should secure the bus by turning off the ignition. The driver should remove the key if they leave the driver's compartment.
10 . If equipped with flashing lights, how far in advance of a school bus stop should the bus's lights be activated?
If a school bus is equipped with alternating flashing amber warning lights, they should be activated at least 200 feet before a stop, unless state law requires otherwise.
11 . If a student drops an item while approaching a school bus, the student should:
If a student tries to retrieve a dropped object, they may disappear from the driver's line of sight. This is potentially very dangerous. Rather than retrieve dropped items themselves, students should move to a point of safety outside of the bus's danger zones, get the driver's attention, and wait for the driver to retrieve what has been dropped.
12 . If you are taking the driving test and the route does not include a railroad crossing, you:
During the on-road driving test, if your route does not include a railroad crossing, the examiner may ask you to explain and demonstrate the necessary procedures at a simulated location.
13 . When asked to complete an offset back/right parking maneuver, you should:
If you are asked to complete an offset back/right parking maneuver, you should first pull straight forward, then back up to the right. Your vehicle must be parked completely within the boundaries of the parking space.
14 . When alley docking, you should first:
If you are asked to alley dock, you should first pull past the alley and stop your vehicle in a position that is parallel to the outer boundary. From there, you should back your vehicle entirely into the alley parking area. Your vehicle should be parked in a straight position within the boundaries of the parking space.
See the exact questions that will be on the 2025 Nebraska DMV exam.
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Lillian MCcranie explains how our CDL study guide was helpful in passing the exam and recommends it to everyone.
Cameron tells us how he purchased the CDL exam, and found it to be a useful tool which helped him pass the exam and find a job.