Double #1

FREE Double Triple Test Online | Virginia 2024

Train for FREE with our Virginia CDL double triple practice test online. The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a VA CDL double triple license in 2021, practice as much as..

Train for FREE with our Virginia CDL double triple practice test online. The official exam test consists of several obligatory parts, with all of them checking your knowledge of different blocks of road rules. If you need to obtain a VA CDL double triple license in 2021, practice as much as possible. Free sample tests published on our website will help you check and improve your knowledge and boost your grades. Please bear in mind that DMV requirements may vary from state to state.


1 . If a vehicle is equipped with a retarder and the vehicle's drive wheels have poor traction:

When a vehicle's drive wheels have poor traction, the use of a retarder may cause them to skid. A retarder should be turned off when a vehicle is being driven under wet, icy, or snowy conditions.

2 . Alcohol can be removed from your system:

The liver removes alcohol from the body at a fixed rate, so the only way to sober up after consuming alcohol is to allow your body time to remove the alcohol on its own.

3 . If your vehicle is hydroplaning, you should:

If your vehicle begins to hydroplane, do not apply the brakes. Instead, slow down by releasing the accelerator and pushing in the clutch. This will help you to regain traction.

4 . A turn signal should be used well in advance of a turn:

It is important to signal well in advance of a turn. This way, other drivers will be less likely to try to pass your vehicle in a manner that would impeded the safe completion of the turn.

5 . Rust around wheel nuts:

Rust around wheel nuts may mean that they are loose. Check the tightness of the nuts if you see any rust in the area.

6 . ____ are the most likely to be affected by strong winds.

Strong winds can make it difficult for a driver to maintain control of their vehicle. Usually, this is especially true for drivers of lighter CMVs.

7 . Tires with tread separation are:

Tires should not have tread separation. When inspecting your vehicle, you should ensure that your tires do not have tread separation.

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