1 . A bus driver is:

Exempt from wearing a seat belt.
Only required to wear a seat belt if the passengers have seat belts.
Required to wear a seat belt at all times.
Not required to wear a seat belt, but is encouraged to do so.

2 . When starting an engine:

The brakes will lock up.
Warning lights should turn on, then quickly turn off.
Coolant temperatures should decrease.

3 . Convex mirrors:

Cannot be used on vehicles transporting hazardous materials.
Are illegal in most states.
Can help drivers see a larger area.

4 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine
Four to five

5 . When driving, it is important to:

Keep your attention focused in front of your vehicle.
Look only to the front and right side of your vehicle.
Look only to the front and sides of your vehicle.
Look to the front, sides, and rear of your vehicle.

6 . When checking the springs during a vehicle inspection, do all of the following, except:

Look for missing leaf springs.
Look for broken coil springs.
Ensure torsion springs are not damaged.
Glue cracked leaf springs.

7 . A thin layer of ice that forms on road surfaces is called:

White ice.
Black ice.
Blue ice.

8 . When pulled off on the side of the road:

A driver should keep the driver’s side door open.
A driver should turn on the emergency flashers.
The driver should wave their arms.

9 . To ensure you do not interfere with traffic while driving a heavy vehicle, you should:

Switch gears while driving uphill.
Try to pass other vehicles while driving uphill.
Stay in the right lane.
Ride the brakes while driving downhill.

10 . Carry-on bags should be placed:

In front of the back door.
In front of the front door.
In a location that allows access to all emergency exits.
On top of the bus.

11 . What should you do if the braking system cannot build up hydraulic pressure?

Hold the brake pedal down as far as it will go.
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12 . Roads are especially slippery right after it begins to rain because:

The water mixes with oil and grease on the road.
Tires are not made to drive in wet weather.
The water yet hasn't absorbed the dirt and grease.

13 . Before driving a bus that has been parked for a few days:

The driver can assume the interior is in good working order.
The driver should call the local police department.
The driver should do a walkthrough to ensure no damage has occurred since the last trip.
The driver may ask the passengers to check the interior of the bus.

14 . To prevent fatigue while driving, you should:

Keep the cab warm.
Keep the cab cool.
Keep the cab poorly ventilated.
Close the vents.

15 . Belts in the engine compartment should:

Be frayed.
Not have excessive wear.
Be greasy.

16 . Accelerating roughly is:

Encouraged at slow speeds.
Encouraged at all speeds.
Discouraged, as it may cause damage to the vehicle.
Discouraged, as it may confuse other drivers.

17 . To change lanes, you should:

Move quickly.
Move slowly and smoothly.
Hold down your horn.

18 . Looking far ahead of your vehicle while driving is:

Discouraged, as there is little you can do about something far up the road.
Encouraged to help you identify hazards as early as possible.
Not permitted.

19 . On a bus, the driver:

Does not need to wear a seat belt.
Must always wear a seat belt.
Must wear a seat belt, but only during usual school hours.
Must wear a seat belt, but only if they have been licensed for less than a year.

20 . If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash down the road, you should:

Pull over and yell at them.
Stop after the crash scene and report the other driver’s behavior to police.
Block the driver in with your vehicle.