1 . When changing lanes, you should:

Rely on your mirrors.
Begin signaling as you move into the next lane.
Signal at least 500 feet before your lane change when driving on residential streets.
Always check your blind spot.

2 . This road sign means:

Sharp turn to the right.
Double curve.
Winding road.
Pavement ends.

3 . When encountering an aggressive driver, you should:

Avoid eye contact, slow down, and let them pass.
Cut them off to slow them down.
Retaliate by tailgating them.
Make sure they know you disapprove of their behavior.

4 . If an emergency vehicle with flashing lights is traveling in the area where you are driving, you should:

Speed up to avoid the emergency vehicle.
Stop your vehicle immediately and prevent them from passing.
Make every effort to give the emergency vehicle a clear path of travel.
Signal to the emergency vehicle when it is clear for them to pass you.

5 . To prevent hydroplaning, you should:

Ensure that your tires have good tread depth.
Ensure that your tires are properly inflated.
Reduce your speed when driving in the rain.
All of the above.

6 . Which of the following recommendations does not promote safe night driving?

Keep your windshield clean.
Be aware that tinted windows reduce visibility in the dark.
Carry a flashlight in your vehicle.
Look into the headlights of oncoming vehicles.

7 . When turning or changing lanes, you must:

Always signal your intentions, even when no visible traffic is present.
Signal only if there is visible traffic.
Signal only when driving at night.
Signal only when driving in heavy traffic at night.

8 . What does alcohol do to your driving skills and judgement?

It helps driving skills but harms your judgement.
It harms both driving skills and judgement.
It has no effect on either driving skills or judgement.
It has no effect on judgement but it harms driving skills.

9 . You may pass another vehicle:

In a curve or on a hill because the chance is small that another vehicle is coming.
By using the shoulder of the highway.
If your lane is next to a solid yellow line and the passing lane is clear ahead.
None of the above.

10 . When approaching a steady yellow traffic light, drivers should:

Accelerate to avoid a red light.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Slow to a stop, unless they are already within the intersection.
Check to see what the cars next to them are doing.

11 . You may drive in a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane if:

You are driving faster than the flow of traffic.
You are driving more slowly than the flow of traffic.
Your vehicle has more than one occupant.
You are trying to get somewhere quickly.

12 . When passing on a multilane highway:

Be sure the passing lane is clear.
Pass only on the right.
Watch for oncoming traffic.
There is no need to signal.

13 . When adjusting your rearview mirror, you should be able to clearly see:

The entire rear window.
The passengers in the backseat.
Your own reflection.
Most of the lane next to you.
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14 . What does this road sign mean?

Slow down and prepare to stop if cars are approaching you.
Come to a full stop and go when it is safe to do so.
Proceed carefully through the intersection, not always stopping.
Stop only for traffic on an intersecting road.

15 . A driver approaching a flashing red traffic signal must:

Slow down at the light.
Drive carefully without stopping.
Merge to the right.
Stop before entering the intersection.

16 . When you see or hear an emergency vehicle coming, you should:

Stop immediately and let the vehicle pass.
Drive as far toward the right side of the road as is safe and stop.
Proceed slowly and permit the vehicle to pass.
Keep moving slowly, staying to the right side of the road.

17 . If you see this sign, you:

Must not pass another vehicle.
May pass a slow-moving vehicle if you can do so quickly.
May pass if you know the road ahead.
May pass, but only at night.

18 . If traffic signals at an intersection are not functioning due to a power outage:

Park your vehicle as far off the road as possible and wait for power to be restored.
Use hand signals to indicate your intentions to other drivers.
Turn on your hazard lights and proceed through the intersection without stopping.
Treat the intersection as a four-way stop.

19 . Before turning left, it is important to:

Sound your horn.
Yield to oncoming vehicles.
Swing to the right side of your lane.
Wait until oncoming traffic has a red light.

20 . When you approach a railroad crossing without flashing warning signals or crossing gates, you should:

Cross the tracks immediately and as quickly as possible.
Always stop before crossing the tracks.
Prepare to yield to any train at the crossing.
Speed up to beat any oncoming train.

21 . When dealing with pedestrians, a driver must:

Make sure the pedestrian is aware of their vehicle.
Always yield the right-of-way, even if the pedestrian is in the wrong.
Yield the right-of-way only when the pedestrian is legally entitled to it.
Slow down and sound their horn near a crosswalk.

22 . Who is required by law to use a fastened safety belt in a moving vehicle?

The driver
Passengers in the front seat
Children between the ages of 8 and 18
All of the above

23 . Anything that requires you to ____ could cause you to crash.

Take your eyes off the road
Take your hands off the wheel
Take your attention away from the task of driving
All of the above

24 . What do speed limit signs indicate?

Potential driving speeds for the area
The maximum or minimum speed that is legally allowed to be driven
The speed drivers should drive in heavy traffic
The speed drivers should drive under poor conditions

25 . This sign means:

Keep right.
Low shoulder.
No parking at any time.
Lane ends.