1 . The best way to stay out of trouble while riding a motorcycle is to:

Look well ahead of your motorcycle.
Avoid high-density traffic areas.
Ride at speeds faster than the speed limit.

2 . When your mirrors are properly adjusted, you should see:

Only next to your motorcycle.
Only behind your motorcycle.
The lane behind you and the lane next to you.

3 . If you need to react to a hazard in the road, do not:

Avoid communicating with other drivers.
Adjust your speed accordingly.
Make your presence known by sounding your horn and/or using lights or signals.

4 . When riding with a group of motorcyclists, a staggered formation:

Is recommended at all times.
Should not be used when entering or exiting a highway.
Should be used when riding in curves.

5 . When riding with a passenger, you may need to adjust:

The brakes.
The suspension.
The brake light.

6 . Improper braking:

Usually has no consequences.
Is a significant contributing factor to many motorcycle crashes.
Should not be a concern, since the motorcycle has two brakes.

7 . It can be difficult to ride right after it starts raining because:

Some other drivers may not react quickly enough to the rain.
Pavement will be especially slippery.
Other drivers do not drive fast enough in wet weather.

8 . If using saddlebags to carry a load, you should:

Load the bags as evenly as possible.
Unevenly distribute weight into the saddlebags.
Place as much weight as possible into one saddlebag.

9 . By law, motorcycle helmets must be:

U.S. Department of Transportation-compliant.
Free of stickers or other artwork.
A dark color that does not create a glare.

10 . As a rider, you can lessen your chances of being involved in an accident by:

Not looking ahead for hazards.
Refraining from using turn signals, as doing so could distract other drivers.
Being visible to other drivers.

11 . You may wear earphones in both ears:

If you are listening to your favorite music.
If they are designed to block harmful noise levels.
To dampen the sounds of horns and sirens.

12 . When riding a motorcycle, your feet should be:

On the footrests for balance.
Pointed with your toes aiming downward.

13 . Hearing protection is:

Not recommended.
Recommended only for long rides.
Recommended for all rides.

14 . How far in advance should a motorcyclist signal a turn?

50 feet
100 feet
150 feet

15 . This sign means:

Yield sign ahead.
Side road entering from left.
Stop sign ahead.

16 . When being passed, moving to the part of your lane that is farthest from the passing vehicle:

Is recommended because you will be farther away from the passing vehicle.
Is not recommended because it invites the other driver to move back into your lane too early.
Is not encouraged or discouraged as it has no impact on safety.
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17 . This road sign means:

Steep grade ahead.
The road ahead winds with a series of turns or curves.
Slippery when wet.

18 . Which of the following is not a method used to maintain control of a motorcycle in a turn?

Accelerate through the turn.
Reduce your speed before turning.
Lean into the turn.

19 . When making a non-emergency stop on a motorcycle:

Only the front brake should be used.
The front and rear brakes should be applied at the same time.
Only the rear brake should be used.

20 . Compared to a car, a motorcycle needs _____ attention.

Less frequent
The same amount of
More frequent

21 . A "wobble," or a sudden shaking of the front wheel and handle bars, can usually be traced to:

Incorrect tire pressure or uneven loading.
Improperly tightening the front wheel to the frame.
Hitting an object with the front tire.

22 . This symbol is used for:

Dangerous intersections.
Slow-moving vehicles.
Yield signs.

23 . Which colors are the best colors for motorcycle riders to wear?

Brown, gold, silver, and white
Blue, black, gray, and purple
Orange, red, yellow, and green

24 . When other vehicles are slowed or stopped:

A motorcyclist should not weave between lanes of traffic.
It is acceptable for a motorcyclist to weave in and out of traffic lanes.
A motorcyclist should ride in a straight line between two lanes.

25 . If bright sunlight makes it difficult for drivers to see a motorcycle's mechanical turn signals, the rider should:

Continue to use the mechanical turn signals.
Honk their horn to inform other drivers of any upcoming turns.
Use hand signals.

26 . What does an integrated braking system do?

It links the front and rear brakes together when the rear brake is applied.
It knows when to brake automatically by understanding your riding habits.
It is connected to the gears and applies the brake when downshifting.

27 . A flat front tire is especially dangerous because:

The front tire affects your steering, which also affects your balance.
The front tire being flat will disable the front brake.
The front tire being flat will prevent you from accelerating.

28 . Road users should always:

Stare directly ahead of their vehicle.
Scan the road ahead of, next to, and behind their vehicles.
Rely only on their mirrors.

29 . Alcohol reaches the brain ________ being consumed.

Within minutes of
About an hour after
About two hours after

30 . When traveling at night, you should:

Ride as fast as you would if riding during the day.
Ride more slowly than you would if riding during the day.
Ride faster than you would if riding during the day.