1 . You should not start across an intersection if you know you will block the intersection when the light turns red:

Under any circumstances.
Unless you entered the intersection on a yellow light.
Unless you entered the intersection on a green light.

2 . You should always travel:

At the speed of vehicles surrounding you.
At the speed limit.
At a speed appropriate for road and weather conditions.

3 . You hit a parked vehicle and can't find the owner. What must you do?

Call your insurance company when you get home.
Wait for the owner to return.
Leave a note with your name and address on the parked vehicle.

4 . This sign means:

Pedestrian crossing.
Side road.
Railroad ahead.

5 . You should use your horn when:

Another vehicle is in your way.
It may help prevent a collision.
Another driver makes a mistake.

6 . If you are involved in a traffic accident in California, you must file a report of the accident with the DMV when:

The collision causes $1,000 in damage.
You plan on being out of the state for more than 30 days.
You refinance the remaining balance of your vehicle loan.

7 . You are driving behind a motorcycle and want to pass. You must:

Stay in the right lane as much as possible because the motorcycle is small and doesn't use all of the lane.
Blow your horn to make the motorcycle move onto the shoulder so that you can pass.
Have your vehicle entirely in the left lane before and during the pass.

8 . You must yield to a pedestrian using a white cane or guide dog:

Only when the guide dog is leading the person across the street.
At all times.
Only if a crossing guard is present.

9 . When using a roundabout, drivers should:

Stop in the middle of the roundabout.
Yield to traffic already in the roundabout.
Yield to entering traffic.

10 . While driving, you should look 10 to 15 seconds ahead of you:

And focus on the middle of the road.
Because it is a legal requirement.
To see potential hazards early.

11 . If you have a sudden tire blowout:

Use the brakes lightly.
Pump the brakes.
Apply the brakes firmly.

12 . This sign is used to warn drivers that:

The right lane is ending and traffic should merge left.
The road curves ahead.
There are upcoming intersections.

13 . When you tailgate other drivers (drive closely to their rear bumper):

You can frustrate the other drivers and make them angry.
Your actions cannot result in a traffic citation.
You help reduce traffic congestion.

14 . You are driving on a city street and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you. What should you do?

Drive to the right edge of the road and slow down.
Drive to the right edge of the road and stop.
Stay in your lane, slow down, and let it pass.

15 . If you approach a traffic light with a red signal and a police officer directs you to go through the intersection without stopping, you should:

Stop until the light turns green.
Go through the intersection without stopping.
Come to a complete stop before proceeding.

16 . If your vehicle has a mechanical problem:

Signal and pull into the slow lane.
Stop in your lane and put on your hazard lights.
Put on your hazard lights and pull off the road.

17 . If you are about to be hit from the rear, you should not:

Release your seat belt.
Brace yourself.
Press your head against the head restraint.

18 . If the roadway is wet or icy, you should:

Reduce your speed.
Drive at the posted speed.
Speed up.

19 . If you want to enter the freeway but you don't see a gap in traffic, you should:

Maintain your speed and force the other drivers to create a gap.
Slow down on the ramp to wait for a gap.
Stop at the end of the ramp to wait for a gap.

20 . When driving on a multilane street with two-way traffic:

Drive alongside other vehicles so the drivers can see you.
You should drive ahead of or behind the other vehicles.
It is safest to drive in the lane next to the centerline.

21 . As you approach the top of a hill, you should:

Speed up slightly.
Prepare to stop, if needed.
Maintain a steady speed.

22 . Should you always drive more slowly than other traffic?

No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly.
Yes, it is a good defensive driving technique.
Yes, it is always safer than driving faster than other traffic.

23 . Temporary signs used in construction and maintenance work areas:

Have a red background with green writing.
Have an orange background with black writing.
Have a yellow background with blue writing.

24 . Which of the following statements is true?

Driving too slowly is not an unsafe practice.
Driving too slowly on certain highways can be dangerous.
The speed at which you drive a vehicle does not affect safety.
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25 . You are driving on a freeway with a posted speed limit of 65 mph. Traffic is heavy and moving at 35 mph. The best speed for your vehicle is most likely:

25 mph.
35 mph.
30 mph.

26 . You enter a designated turn lane to make a left turn at an upcoming intersection. There is oncoming traffic. You should:

Move to the left of the center lane.
Signal before you arrive at the intersection.
Turn your front wheels to the left to be prepared to turn.

27 . This sign means:

Yield the right-of-way.
No passing zone.
Reduction in lanes.

28 . A steady red arrow displayed on a traffic light means:

Drivers cannot turn in the indicated direction.
Drivers may turn in the indicated direction after coming to a complete stop.
Drivers may turn in the indicated direction.

29 . This sign means:

Winding road ahead.
Do not enter.
Pedestrian crossing.

30 . When driving at night, you should:

Always use your high beams.
Look directly at the headlights of an oncoming vehicle.
Increase your following distance.

31 . When should drivers yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in a crosswalk?

Only if the pedestrians first wave to the driver.
Only if the pedestrians are not texting while walking.
At all times.

32 . When turning left at an intersection:

You should always yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.
Oncoming traffic and pedestrians should yield to you.
You should never yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

33 . You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should:

Signal and turn immediately.
Stop before entering the right lane and let all other traffic go first.
Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the turn.

34 . It is a very windy day. You are driving and a dust storm blows across the freeway, reducing your visibility. You should decrease your speed and turn on your:

Interior lights.
Parking lights.

35 . You want to turn left at an upcoming corner. Yield the right-of-way to:

Oncoming vehicles also turning left.
All approaching vehicles.
Pedestrians on the sidewalk waiting for a "Walk" signal.

36 . This road sign means:

Bicycle crossing.
Stop only if other cars are approaching.
Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.
Are you under 18 ?

Why ?

In California if you are under 18 years old , you need to answer 46 question on your DMV Test.

37 . A solid yellow line on your side of the centerline means:

Reduce your speed.
Traffic light ahead.
Do not pass.

38 . Regulatory signs are:


39 . What is the difference between traffic lights with red arrows and those with solid red lights?

Red arrows are only used to stop traffic which is turning.
Red arrows are only used for protected turn lanes.
You cannot turn on a red arrow, even if you stop first.

40 . When driving at night on a dimly lit street, you should:

Drive slowly enough that you can stop within the area illuminated by your headlights.
Turn on your high beam headlights to better see the vehicles ahead of you.
Keep the instrument panel lights bright to be more visible to other drivers.

41 . When turning left from a two-way street onto a one-way street, you should:

Turn into any lane.
Turn into first lane.
Turn into second lane.

42 . You should signal continuously while turning because it:

Is illegal to turn off your signal before completing a turn.
Lets other drivers know what your intentions are.
Is always unsafe to turn off a signal before completing a turn.

43 . If it is necessary to make an emergency stop while driving on an interstate, you should:

Sound your horn at passing cars to get their attention.
Get out of your vehicle and flag down the first vehicle that passes.
Pull off the road, turn on your emergency flashers, and stay in your vehicle, if you can.

44 . A flashing yellow light at an intersection means you should:

Slow down and proceed with caution.
Come to a complete stop as quickly as possible.
Stop and proceed only when the intersection is clear.

45 . The maximum posted speed limit should be driven only:

During the night.
During the day.
Under ideal conditions.

46 . What does this road sign indicate?

Directions for children
School zone ahead
Playground area ahead