1 . At a railroad crossing, you must:

Watch for vehicles that must stop at all railroad crossings (school buses, trucks carrying hazardous materials, etc.).
Watch for multiple trains.
Both of the above.

2 . Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?

They are eliminated if you have one outside mirror on each side of the vehicle.
Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.
Blind spots can be checked by looking in your rearview mirrors.

3 . If your car's suspension is bad, it can cause:

Vehicle control problems.
Squealing brakes.
Slack in the steering.

4 . Which of the following statements is correct?

Use your left foot to brake.
Use your right foot for both braking and accelerating your vehicle.
You should always brake abruptly to ensure stopping.

5 . If a child is about to run into the street, you should:

Start to prepare to slow down.
Flash your headlights.
Sound a sharp blast of your horn.

6 . A broken yellow line down the center of a road indicates that:

A construction zone is ahead.
Passing is not permitted from either direction.
Passing is permitted from either direction.

7 . Which of these statements is true about driving and taking medications?

Most cold medications can make a person drowsy.
Over-the-counter medications cannot impair driving ability if taken in the recommended dosages.
Medications are safe to take at any time, if prescribed by a doctor.

8 . If it is necessary to make an emergency stop while driving on an interstate, you should:

Sound your horn at passing cars to get their attention.
Get out of your vehicle and flag down the first vehicle that passes.
Pull off the road, turn on your emergency flashers, and stay in your vehicle, if you can.

9 . You must yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle that is using its siren and flashing lights by:

Driving as closely to the right edge of the road as possible and stopping.
Moving into the right lane and driving slowly until it has passed.
Stopping immediately, even if you are within an intersection.

10 . This sign means:

Road construction/maintenance area.
Side road.
Railroad ahead.

11 . Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in residential areas is:

20 mph.
30 mph.
45 mph.

12 . When driving in work zones, you should:

Follow the driver in front of you closely.
Pass the driver in front of you as soon as you can.
Avoid tailgating and keep a safe following distance.

13 . Blue traffic signs offer information on:

Motorist services.
Construction and maintenance.
Mileage information, such as distances to specific locations.

14 . Roads with double solid yellow line markings down the center indicate that passing is:

Allowed from both directions.
Allowed only from your direction of travel.
Not allowed from either direction.

15 . The best way to avoid a dangerous situation while driving is to:

Know what is happening around your vehicle.
Turn off the radio.
Always keep your eyes focused ahead of your car.

16 . Bicycles on the road:

Are considered vehicles with the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicles.
Do not follow specific rules of the road.
Must always yield the right-of-way to motor vehicles.

17 . If the roadway is wet or icy, you should:

Reduce your speed.
Drive at the posted speed.
Speed up.

18 . This sign means:

No left turn can be made here.
A left turn can be made only after stopping.
All traffic must turn right at the next intersection.

19 . If you are feeling fatigued while driving, you should:

Increase your speed to reach your destination more quickly.
Increase the volume of your radio.
Find a safe parking area to take a short nap.

20 . When entering the interstate on a short entrance ramp where there is no acceleration lane, you should:

Immediately enter the far-right traffic lane on the interstate and speed up to match the flow of traffic.
Use the shoulder of the main road to get up to the speed of traffic.
Speed up and enter the interstate only after you have identified a gap in traffic.

21 . You are driving on a city street and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you. What should you do?

Drive to the right edge of the road and slow down.
Drive to the right edge of the road and stop.
Stay in your lane, slow down, and let it pass.

22 . On a freeway, you should look farther ahead than you would on a city street:

In order to see potential hazards early.
Because it takes a quarter of a mile to stop your vehicle completely.
Because it helps you keep up with traffic.

23 . This road sign means:

All traffic must turn right.
All traffic must go straight.
A side road intersects ahead.

24 . If you are being passed in a no passing zone, you should:

Pull off the road.
Maintain your speed and position.
Slow down and let the other driver safely return to the drive lane.

25 . If your vehicle begins to skid, you should:

Ease up on the gas pedal.
Brake as hard as possible.
Turn off the ignition.

26 . When stopped at a red traffic light with a green arrow, you may proceed in the direction of the arrow if you:

First come to a complete stop.
Wait until the light changes.
Are in the proper lane and the intersection is clear.
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27 . This sign means:

All traffic must turn left.
No left turn.
No U-turn.

28 . When driving in fog, you should:

Slow down and use your low beam headlights.
Slow down and use your high beam headlights.
Turn your lights on and off to warn other drivers.

29 . Which of the following driving skills is/are affected by the use of alcohol and/or drugs?

Both of the above.

30 . When approaching a curve in the roadway, drivers should slow down:

Before entering the curve.
After completing the curve.
In the middle of the curve.

31 . If you miss your exit on the freeway, you should not:

Continue on the freeway and find an alternate route to your destination.
Proceed to the next exit, leave the freeway, and return to your proper exit.
Back up on the road or shoulder.

32 . A flashing yellow light at an intersection means you should:

Slow down and proceed with caution.
Come to a complete stop as quickly as possible.
Stop and proceed only when the intersection is clear.

33 . This sign is used to warn drivers that:

The right lane is ending and traffic should merge left.
The road curves ahead.
There are upcoming intersections.

34 . If you come to an intersection and your view to the side is blocked, you should:

Slow down and look both ways.
Maintain your speed and look both ways.
Stop, then inch forward until you can see clearly in both directions.

35 . A solid yellow arrow on a traffic signal means:

You should speed up so you can make the turn before the light changes.
You do not need to signal to turn from the indicated lane.
You should prepare to stop and yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic.

36 . This road sign means:

School crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Jogging trail.

37 . If you are being followed too closely on a two-lane road:

Reduce your speed slowly to encourage the tailgater to drive around you.
Speed up to increase the distance between you and the other car.
Apply your brakes to slow down, then resume your original speed.

38 . Sudden wind gusts on highways:

Generally affect only the movement of large vehicles.
Only cause visibility problems.
Can cause problems for all vehicles.

39 . You may cross double yellow lines to pass another vehicle if the:

Vehicle in front of you moves to the right to let you pass.
Yellow line next to your side of the road is broken.
Yellow line next to the opposite side of the road is broken.

40 . This road sign means:

No right turn.
No U-turns.
No left turn.

41 . If you drive more slowly than the flow of traffic, you will most likely:

Interfere with traffic and receive a ticket.
Improve traffic flow.
Demonstrate defensive driving techniques.

42 . A steady yellow traffic signal light is a warning that the light is about to change to red. If you are already within the intersection when a green light changes to yellow, you should:

Continue moving and clear the intersection safely.
Increase your speed so as not to cause an accident.

43 . There is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane ahead. You should:

Make eye contact with and then pass the pedestrian.
Slow down as you pass the pedestrian.
Stop and let the pedestrian finish crossing the street.

44 . If you plan to pass another vehicle, you should:

Not assume the other driver will make space for you to return to your lane.
Assume the other driver will let you pass if you use your turn signal.
Assume the other driver will maintain a constant speed.

45 . When changing lanes:

Check your side mirror and look over your shoulder to make sure the lane is clear.
Check the inside rearview mirror.
Slow down.

46 . You should allow an extra cushion of space:

When following a station wagon.
When following a driver who cannot see the rear of their vehicle.
When following a small passenger car.

47 . This road sign means:

Slow down or stop.
Stop if necessary.
You must come to a complete stop.

48 . This sign means:

School zone or crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Railroad ahead.

49 . How many alcoholic drinks does it take to affect your driving ability?


50 . This sign means:

Upcoming downgrade or hill.
Road construction area.
Upcoming narrowing of roadway.