1 . If you are driving on a one-way street and an emergency vehicle using its flashing lights approaches your vehicle, you must:

Drive with your flashers turned on.
Drive toward the nearest roadside and stop.
Speed up and take the nearest exit.
Slow down until the vehicle passes you.

2 . You reach an intersection with stop signs on all four corners at the same time as the driver on your left. Who has the right-of-way?

The driver on your left has the right-of-way.
You have the right-of-way.
Whoever is signaling to make a turn has the right-of-way.

3 . If you are driving and a tire suddenly goes flat, you should:

Rapidly pump the brake pedal several times.
Slow down gradually and not brake.
Press down on the brake pedal as hard as you can.

4 . Using a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle is considered a distraction because:

It causes the driver to be concerned about the cost of the call.
It occupies the driver's hands, eyes, and mind.
It is an activity that draws the attention of other drivers.

5 . When driving in fog or mist, never put your headlights on the high beam setting because:

The light will reflect back into your eyes.
Approaching vehicles might not see you.
Vehicles behind you may follow too closely.

6 . When driving, how often should you check your rearview mirror for traffic behind you?

Every two to four seconds
Every four to six seconds
Every six to eight seconds
Every eight to ten seconds

7 . You are required to stop your vehicle:

At any intersection where a police officer orders you to stop.
Where there is a red traffic light.
Both of the above.

8 . This sign means:

Watch for bicycles.
Bicycles not allowed.
Bicycle repair shop ahead.

9 . This road sign means:

Your current roadway ends ahead.
You must bear either right or left.
A four-way intersection is ahead.
A road joins from the right.

10 . What does a single dashed yellow line separating traffic mean?

Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.
Both lanes travel in the same direction.
Drivers may not pass.
Drivers may pass, even if it could be dangerous.

11 . You experience an incident at work that has left you feeling angry. When you get to your car, you should:

Play the radio loudly so you won’t think about it.
Drive fast on the interstate to let off steam.
Take a few minutes to cool off before you begin your drive home.
Stop at your favorite bar and have a few drinks before driving home.

12 . You should honk your horn when you:

Are traveling through an intersection.
Are passing a bicyclist.
See a child who is about to run into the street.
Are parallel parking.

13 . If two drivers arrive at the same time to a four-way intersection controlled by stop signs:

The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
The driver on the left has the right-of-way.
One driver may continue driving without stopping.
One driver should honk to indicate that they are giving up the right-of-way.

14 . This sign indicates that:

There is a steep hill ahead.
No trucks are allowed on the upcoming hill.
A logging road is ahead.

15 . You should allow an extra cushion of space:

When following a station wagon.
When following a driver who cannot see the rear of their vehicle.
When following a small passenger car.

16 . Which is the most common cause of traffic crashes?

New drivers
Human error
Bad weather
Bad roads

17 . When you drive through a construction zone, you should:

Stop to watch the workers.
Decrease your following distance.
Pass the construction zone carefully and not “rubberneck."

18 . When driving on an interstate:

Stop on the shoulder of the road if you are tired.
You should always use cruise control.
Signal, check mirrors, and check blind spots before changing lanes.
You should change lanes often.

19 . When driving near heavy trucks, other drivers and highway users must make allowances for:

The increased stopping distance required by large vehicles.
The decreased stopping distance required by large vehicles.
The decreased noise of larger vehicles.
The increased speed of larger vehicles.

20 . You should always travel:

At the speed of vehicles surrounding you.
At the speed limit.
At a speed appropriate for road and weather conditions.

21 . If there is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane, you should:

Make sure the pedestrian can see you before proceeding.
Cautiously drive around the pedestrian.
Stop and let the pedestrian finish crossing.

22 . If you are driving so slowly that traffic is backing up behind you, you should:

Decrease your speed.
Pull off the right side of the road and let traffic pass.
Not let the other cars pass your vehicle.
Use your four-way flashers.

23 . A leaky exhaust system in your vehicle is dangerous because it can cause:

A loss of hearing.
Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Poor engine performance.

24 . You are driving on a one-way street. You may only turn left onto another one-way street if:

You increase your speed before the turn.
Traffic on the street moves to the right.
Traffic on the street moves to the left.

25 . This sign means:

Sharp turn ahead, slow down.
Work crew ahead.
Side road.
Playground ahead.

26 . This sign means:

You can travel in either direction in this lane.
There is two-way traffic.
You are approaching a divided highway.
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27 . If a flagger is directing traffic in a construction zone, you must:

Follow the directions given by the flagger.
Copy what surrounding traffic is doing, despite the flagger's instructions.
Assume the flagger is not supposed to be directing traffic.
Follow the laws that would be in place if the area was not under construction.

28 . At an intersection with a yield sign, you should:

Always stop before entering the intersection.
Yield just to the traffic on the right.
Yield just to the traffic on the left.
Slow down and yield the right-of-way to other traffic.

29 . If your wheels drop off the pavement and onto the shoulder of the road, you should:

Brake hard and turn sharply back onto the pavement.
Stop your car on the edge of the road.
Slow down and very carefully turn back onto the pavement.
Maintain your speed and turn sharply back onto the pavement.

30 . You notice that the driver in the vehicle ahead of you is driving with one hand and talking to a passenger. You should:

Give the vehicle extra space.
Know that the driver in the vehicle ahead is reducing their safety margin by being an inattentive driver.
Avoid following the driver's example.
All of the above.

31 . To pass on a two-lane road, you should:

Sound your horn as you pass.
Flash your headlights as you pass.
Judge the distance to any oncoming vehicles.

32 . This road sign means:

Parking spaces are reserved for people with disabled parking permits.
A circular intersection is ahead.
Traffic in the lane must turn in the direction of the arrow.
Lanes are reserved for buses and vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers.

33 . Drivers are required to obey instructions from:

Security guards patrolling parking lots.
Other drivers whose vehicles are broken down on the roadway.
Flaggers (signal persons) at construction sites.

34 . This road sign means:

Do not pass.
Do not enter.
No turn on red.
Keep right.

35 . This sign means:

You are approaching the end of a divided highway.
You are approaching the beginning of a divided highway.
The road will be slippery ahead.

36 . In traffic moving at 50 to 55 mph, you are least likely to have an accident if you:

Drive a few miles per hour faster than most other vehicles.
Stay within that speed range.
Drive a few miles per hour slower than most other vehicles.

37 . A solid yellow arrow on a traffic signal means:

You should speed up so you can make the turn before the light changes.
You do not need to signal to turn from the indicated lane.
You should prepare to stop and yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic.

38 . How can you lower the risk of hydroplaning?

Do not speed when the roads are wet.
Use tires with proper air pressure.
Replace tires with bad tread.
All of the above.

39 . Crossbuck signs indicate:

Railroad crossings.
School zones.
No passing zones.

40 . What does a single dashed white line separating traffic mean?

Drivers may pass, even if it could be dangerous.
Lanes move in opposite directions.
Drivers may not pass.
Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.

41 . You must stop at an intersection when you see a:

Flashing red light.
Steady yellow light.
Yellow arrow.
Flashing yellow light.

42 . When passing another car, you have enough space to return to the driving lane:

If the other driver signals for you to re-enter the lane.
If you look over your shoulder and see the passed car behind you.
If you can see both of the passed vehicle's headlights in your rearview mirror.

43 . Drinking alcohol and driving is:

A minor traffic safety problem.
A serious traffic safety problem.
Safe if you have only had a few drinks.
Only dangerous to the driver who drinks.

44 . You are preparing to exit the interstate. When should you start reducing your speed?

About halfway through the deceleration lane.
As you approach the deceleration lane.
Immediately upon entering the deceleration lane.

45 . A driver entering public traffic from a driveway or private road:

Has the right-of-way.
Should yield to drivers already on the public road.
May force their way into traffic.
Can assume that other drivers will change lanes to make room.

46 . You may honk your horn when you:

Have to stop quickly.
Are passing another car.
Have lost control of your car.
Are passing a bicyclist.

47 . If you are driving on a highway next to a single broken white line marking:

You cannot cross the line to pass.
You may cross the line to pass and change lanes.
You may only cross the line to change lanes if you are in the left lane.

48 . Which of these statements is true about large trucks?

They take longer to stop than passenger vehicles.
They all have air brakes that allow them to stop quickly.
They are more maneuverable than passenger vehicles.

49 . You have the right-of-way when turning left on which of the following traffic signals?

A solid green light
A flashing yellow light
A green arrow pointing left
A flashing red light

50 . If you are being followed too closely on a two-lane road:

Reduce your speed slowly to encourage the tailgater to drive around you.
Speed up to increase the distance between you and the other car.
Apply your brakes to slow down, then resume your original speed.