1 . Signs that are colored orange are:

Work zone signs.
Regulatory signs.
School zone signs.
Guide signs.

2 . When approaching a traffic signal displaying a steady green arrow, drivers:

Should merge into a lane in the direction of the arrow.
Should slow to a stop, if it is safe to do so.
May turn in the direction of the arrow after yielding to traffic and pedestrians already in the intersection.
May drive straight through the intersection.

3 . When getting ready to change lanes, you should:

Check your side view mirror.
Check your rearview mirror.
Quickly turn your head to check for other vehicles.
All of the above.

4 . The best way to deal with tailgaters is to:

Speed up to increase the distance between you and the tailgater.
Slam on your brakes to get the other driver to back off.
Change lanes or gradually slow down to encourage them to pass.
Ignore them.

5 . Passing is prohibited:

In a curve.
Within 100 feet of an intersection.
If your lane is next to a solid yellow centerline.
All of the above.

6 . How can you lower the risk of hydroplaning?

Do not speed when the roads are wet.
Use tires with proper air pressure.
Replace tires with bad tread.
All of the above.

7 . Regulatory signs are usually ____ and should always be obeyed.


8 . This road sign means:

One-way road.
No right turn.
Sharp right turn in the road ahead.

9 . When approaching a steady yellow traffic light, drivers should:

Accelerate to avoid a red light.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Slow to a stop, unless they are already within the intersection.
Check to see what the cars next to them are doing.

10 . To prepare for anything coming up on the road ahead, you should:

Continually scan the entire road and all roadsides.
Stare straight ahead at all times.
Drive with your left foot resting lightly on the brake pedal.
Maintain focus toward the middle of the road.

11 . This sign means:

Stop ahead.
Buggy warning.
Limited parking.
Do not block intersection.

12 . If you need to slow down while driving on a slippery road, the first thing you should do is:

Firmly apply your brakes.
Take your foot off the gas pedal.
Apply your parking brake.
Pump your brakes.

13 . Unless posted otherwise, the speed limit on an open county highway is:

70 mph.
65 mph.
60 mph.
55 mph.
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14 . What does a single dashed yellow line separating traffic mean?

Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.
Both lanes travel in the same direction.
Drivers may not pass.
Drivers may pass, even if it could be dangerous.

15 . This sign means:

Slippery when wet.
Tow-away zone.
Steep downgrade.
Roadwork ahead.

16 . When you drive through an area where children are playing, you should expect them:

To know when it is safe to cross the street.
To stop at the curb before crossing the street.
To run out in front of you without looking.
Not to cross the street unless they are with an adult.

17 . When approaching a flashing yellow light, drivers should:

Increase their speed.
Come to a complete stop.
Turn on their headlights.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

18 . You may drive across a dashed white line:

At any time.
Only during daylight hours.
When it is safe to change lanes.
Only when passing a motorcycle.

19 . Increase your following distance when:

Driving behind a large vehicle that blocks your vision.
Exiting an expressway.
Following a motorcycle.
All of the above.

20 . A speed restriction sign:

May be ignored in rainy, snowy, or icy conditions.
Has a triangular shape.
Is blue with black lettering.
Shows a recommended speed for a curve or turn.

21 . If you want to get off the freeway but you have missed your exit, you should:

Go to the next exit.
Make a U-turn through the median.
Pull onto the shoulder and back your car to the exit.
Flag down a police officer for an escort back to your exit.

22 . This sign means:

No left turn.
No stopping.
No U-turn.
Detour ahead.

23 . This road sign means:

School crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Jogging trail.
Busy sidewalk.

24 . What should you do when an emergency vehicle is approaching while displaying flashing red or blue lights?

See if you can reach your destination before the emergency vehicle catches up to you.
Continue driving but try to stay out of its way.
Pull over to the side of the road and come to a complete stop.
Stop in the middle of an intersection.

25 . A state inspection of your vehicle is required:

Only if the vehicle is over 10 years old.
Every year.
Every two years.
Only when purchasing the vehicle.