1 . Another driver is trying to pass your car. You should:

Pull off the road.
Signal to the other driver when it is safe for them to pass.
Check for oncoming traffic and adjust your speed to allow safe passing.
Speed up.

2 . When there are no signs or lane markings to control turning, you should:

Stop before turning.
Turn from the lane that is closest to your desired direction.
Turn from the center lane.
Turn from any of the lanes.

3 . You may drive around the gates at a railroad crossing:

When the train has passed.
Under no circumstances.
When the lights have stopped flashing.
When other drivers drive around the gates.

4 . To enter a freeway:

Signal, yield to existing traffic, and enter at the same speed that traffic is moving.
Signal and enter the freeway. Freeway traffic must yield.
Drive slowly so you can check traffic.
Always come to a complete stop first.

5 . Who is required by law to wear a seat belt while in a moving vehicle?

All occupants
Only the driver
Only occupants under the age of 18
No one

6 . When changing lanes, you can check your blind spots by:

Using the inside rearview mirror.
Using the outside rearview mirror.
Using both inside and outside rearview mirrors.
Turning your head and looking over your shoulder.

7 . This road sign means:

One-way road.
No right turn.
Sharp right turn in the road ahead.

8 . You need to use extra caution when driving near a pedestrian using a white cane because:

He or she is deaf.
He or she is a police officer.
He or she is blind.
He or she has poor balance.

9 . Generally, how many alcoholic drinks will the human body get rid of each hour?

Half a drink.
One drink.
Two drinks.
Three drinks.

10 . This road sign means:

All traffic must turn right.
No right turn.
All traffic must go straight ahead.
A road joins from the right.

11 . Hydroplaning is usually caused by:

Excessive stops.
Sudden stops.
Sudden turns.
Excessive speed.

12 . What should you do when you see this sign?

Look for a train station ahead.
Signal before going any further.
Slow down and yield for trains.

13 . To turn right at an intersection with a steady red light, you should:

Slow down and look for traffic before turning.
Stop, signal, then turn when safe, if no sign prohibits the turn.
Signal and wait to turn until the light turns green.
Wait until you have a green turn arrow before turning.
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14 . You must stop for a school bus:

That is parked on the shoulder of the road with no one in it.
When it approaches you, even if its lights are not flashing.
If you are both driving on a two-lane highway and its red lights are flashing.
Whenever the driver waves at you.

15 . Be cautious when large trucks, buses, and vehicles with trailers make turns because:

They yield to all left-turning traffic.
They back up to make room before completing the turn.
They make wide turns and may cross the centerline.
They may stop unexpectedly during the turn.

16 . As a pedestrian, you should:

Always insist on the right-of-way over a vehicle when using a crosswalk.
Never enter a street or crosswalk when vehicles are approaching.
Enter a crosswalk at any time because it is the vehicle driver’s responsibility to stop.
Use crosswalks only if they are convenient.

17 . If you stop along the road at night:

Turn off all your lights.
Use your parking lights only.
Use your headlights only.
Turn on your emergency flashers and leave your low beams turned on.

18 . Guide signs are ____ signs that provide directional and mileage information to drivers.


19 . This sign means:

Narrow bridge ahead.
Lane ends or roadway narrows ahead.
Industrial area.
Freeway on-ramp ahead.

20 . If involved in an accident, a driver should:

Stop their vehicle at or near the scene.
Not stand or walk in traffic lanes.
Turn off the ignitions of wrecked vehicles.
All of the above.

21 . When driving on a road with two lanes traveling in opposite directions:

You may drive in either lane.
Use the lane with the least traffic.
Use the right lane, except when you’re legally passing another vehicle.
You may use the left lane if you’re going to turn left.

22 . A driver above the age of 21 may not operate a vehicle if they have a minimum THC level of ____ per milliliter of blood.

Zero nanograms
One nanogram
Three nanograms
Five nanograms

23 . When approaching a flashing red traffic light, drivers should:

Drive through the intersection if there is no crossing traffic.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the light like a stop sign.

24 . At an intersection with a yield sign, you should:

Always stop before entering the intersection.
Yield just to the traffic on the right.
Yield just to the traffic on the left.
Slow down and yield the right-of-way to other traffic.

25 . Seat belts are most effective when they are worn by:

The person driving the car.
Passengers when they are on a long drive.
All occupants of a car being driven on an expressway.
All occupants of a car every time the car is driven.