1 . What can you do to reduce road rage?

Always signal your intention when changing lanes.
Talk on your cell phone while driving.
Use your horn frequently.

2 . What is the only medically proven method of removing alcohol or other drug combinations from your system?

Breathe in some fresh air.
Give your body time.
Drink coffee.

3 . To change lanes you should:

Check your mirrors and signal, then change lanes.
Signal, check your mirrors, check your blind spot in the direction you plan to move, then change lanes.
Signal, check your mirrors, and change lanes.
Signal and change lanes.

4 . When making a right turn on a green light, you must:

Maintain your normal driving speed.
Stop and look for nearby police cars.
Yield to pedestrians.
Increase your normal driving speed.

5 . If you have trouble seeing other vehicles because of dust or smoke blowing across the roadway, you should drive more slowly and turn on your:

Emergency flashers.
Parking lights.

6 . Highways and roads freeze before ramps and bridges.


7 . Drivers may not pass from either side of a ____ centerline.

Combination solid and broken yellow
Single broken yellow
Double solid yellow
Single broken white

8 . Before changing lanes or attempting to pass another vehicle, you should:

Check your blind spots and mirrors.
Signal your intention before changing lanes.
All of the above.

9 . Yellow lines separate:

Traffic lanes on one-way streets.
Traffic moving in opposite directions on two-way roads.
All carpool lanes from regular traffic lanes.

10 . The center of the roadway is marked with one solid yellow line and one broken yellow line. If the broken yellow line is directly next to your traffic lane, it means:

You are not allowed to pass in this area.
You are in a passing zone and it is safe for you to pass other vehicles on the left if no oncoming traffic is present.
You are only allowed to make right turns in this area.

11 . The best thing to do if you become tired while driving is to:

Stop to rest or change drivers.
Drink coffee.
Open a window.

12 . You are coming to an intersection and have a green light. Pedestrians are crossing against the red. You should:

Honk your horn.
Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrians.
Stop to let the pedestrians cross safely.
Drive close to the pedestrians and frighten them so they’ll think twice before crossing against a red light.

13 . A steady yellow light at an intersection means:

Yield to other cars.
Slow down and prepare to stop.

14 . A flashing yellow light at an intersection means you should:

Slow down and proceed with caution.
Come to a complete stop as quickly as possible.
Stop and proceed only when the intersection is clear.

15 . The “No zone” is:

A term used to describe blind spots around a truck or bus.
A special speed zone.
A roadway with restrictions on vehicle stereo volume.
The television show that replaced The Twilight Zone.

16 . When you see this road sign, you should:

Keep right.
Keep left.
Pass with caution.
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17 . This road sign means:

Sharp turn to the right.
Double curve.
Winding road.
Pavement ends.

18 . Roads are slippery after it first starts to rain. When the road is slippery, you should:

Avoid making turns and stops while driving at high speeds.
Test your tires' traction while going uphill.
Decrease the distance you look ahead of your vehicle.

19 . This sign means:

A divided highway ends.
A one-way street begins.
A one-way street ends.
A divided highway begins.

20 . When changing lanes, you should never:

Look over your shoulder to check your blind spot.
Change lanes abruptly or spontaneously.
Check for other vehicles moving into the same lane.

21 . On a green arrow, you must:

Yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian in the intersection.
Yield to pedestrians only in the intersection.
Wait four seconds before proceeding.

22 . When driving in work zones, you should:

Follow the driver in front of you closely.
Pass the driver in front of you as soon as you can.
Avoid tailgating and keep a safe following distance.

23 . If you are getting tired while driving, you should:

Stop and either get rest or change drivers.
Drink something with caffeine.
Open a window.

24 . If your vehicle begins to skid, you should:

Turn your steering wheel into traffic.
Turn your steering wheel in the direction you want to go.
Release the steering wheel.

25 . You come to an intersection with a flashing red light. You must:

Slow down and drive carefully through the intersection.
Turn either right or left, since the road is blocked ahead.
Stop at the intersection and wait for a flashing green light.
Stop at the intersection, then proceed as traffic allows.

26 . What may help drivers conserve gasoline?

Sitting in their driveways with their cars running.
Accelerating quickly.
Slowing down gradually.
Braking abruptly.

27 . Before you change lanes, you should check your mirrors and:

Never look over your right shoulder.
Always slow down in your traffic lane.
Glance over your shoulder.

28 . This road sign means:

The road ahead turns sharply right, then left.
The road ahead turns sharply left, then right.
The road ahead curves to the left.
Construction ahead.

29 . Night driving can be more difficult than driving during the day because:

Cars overheat more quickly at night.
Visibility is reduced in the dark.
It is more likely to be raining at night.
You are more likely to encounter a motorcycle at night.

30 . An arrow painted on the pavement means:

Drivers in the proper lane may make the movement indicated by the arrow, if they choose to do so.
Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow, but only if traffic lights are not working.
Drivers in the proper lane must always come to a complete stop before making the movement indicated by the arrow.
Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow while following directions indicated by traffic signals.