1 . Drivers may not pass from either side of a ____ centerline.

Combination solid and broken yellow
Single broken yellow
Double solid yellow
Single broken white

2 . When faced with an oncoming car to the left and a bicyclist to the right, you should:

Pull onto the shoulder.
Split the difference.
Let the car pass and then pass the bike.
Pass the bike quickly.

3 . It is best to keep a space cushion:

Only in back of your vehicle.
Only on the left and right sides of your vehicle.
Only in front of the vehicle.
On all sides of the vehicle.

4 . Distracted drivers are at a greater risk of a crash when they are using which of the following?

CD player
Cell phone
All of the above

5 . If a vehicle using high beams comes toward you, you should:

Turn on your high beams.
Turn off your headlights.
Sound your horn.
Flash your high beams.

6 . When driving through a work zone, it is a good safety practice to:

Drive closely to the vehicle in front of you to keep traffic flowing freely.
Shorten your usual following distance by about one-half.
Turn on your cruise control.
Double your usual following distance.

7 . When sharing the road with a truck, it is important to remember that trucks generally:

Require longer distances to stop than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on a downgrade than smaller vehicles do.
Require a smaller turning radius than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on an incline than smaller vehicles do.

8 . This sign means:

Railroad crossing.
One-way traffic.
Limited parking.
Playground ahead.

9 . What can you do to avoid the need to make emergency stops while driving in traffic?

Honk your horn to make others aware of your presence.
Look ahead and maintain a safe following distance.
Drive in the right lane only.
Drive more slowly than the flow of traffic.

10 . Who must yield when a driver is turning and a pedestrian is crossing without a traffic light?

Whoever started moving last
The driver
Whoever is slower
The pedestrian
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11 . Stop lines are solid white lines painted across traffic lanes:

In curves and on hills.
Next to churches and schools.
At intersections and pedestrian crosswalks.
On freeway on-ramps.

12 . Taking drugs along with alcohol:

Increases the risk of causing a crash.
Is no more dangerous than consuming alcohol by itself.
Lessens the effect of alcohol on your ability to drive.
Has no effect on your general driving ability.

13 . This sign means that:

A community service group is picking up trash along the highway ahead.
Workers are on or very close to the road in the work zone ahead.
Children are at play ahead.
There is a pedestrian crosswalk ahead.

14 . If you leave your vehicle unattended, you must:

Turn off the engine.
Lock the ignition and remove the key.
Set the parking brake.
All of the above.

15 . When driving on wet roads, you should:

Increase your following distance to five or six seconds.
Decrease your following distance to two seconds.
Not be concerned about your following distance.
Maintain the four-second following distance rule.

16 . What does a single dashed white line separating traffic mean?

Drivers may pass, even if it could be dangerous.
Lanes move in opposite directions.
Drivers may not pass.
Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.

17 . Drivers who have consumed alcohol before getting behind the wheel:

Are always aware of the risks they are taking.
Do not have sufficient control over their bodies and minds or the vehicles being driven.
Are better drivers because they are more careful than sober drivers.
Have quicker reaction times.

18 . What is the meaning of this sign?

The traffic signal ahead is displaying a red light.
The traffic signal ahead is broken.
The traffic signal ahead is displaying a green light.
There is a traffic signal ahead.