1 . If you are unable to get a good view of cross traffic when stopped at an intersection controlled by a stop sign, you should:

Wait five seconds, then proceed.
Sound your horn before proceeding.
Put down your windows, listen for traffic, and then proceed.
Pull forward slowly, check for traffic and pedestrians, and proceed when clear.

2 . On two-lane, two-way streets or highways, you should start left turns:

Close to the centerline.
Close to the outside line.
In the right lane.
From any lane.

3 . This sign means:

Winding road.
No parking.
Right lane closed.
Multiple turns.

4 . If an aggressive driver cuts you off, you should:

Call the police immediately.
Stay calm and move out of the aggressive driver's way.
Flash your vehicle's lights to let the aggressive driver know he is wrong.
Use a driving action of your own to get back at the aggressive driver.

5 . If you are under age 21 and are convicted of carrying a false ID card, you will be required to pay a $500 fine and your license will be suspended for 90 days:

Only if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.02 percent or higher.
Even if you were not driving.
Only if you were driving at the time of arrest.
Only if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.02 percent or higher and you were driving at the time of arrest.

6 . This sign tells you that:

No turns are allowed on this road.
The road narrows ahead.
There are a series of curves ahead.
The road may be slippery when wet.

7 . When driving on slick roads, you should:

Take turns more slowly than usual.
Change lanes quickly.
Accelerate quickly.
Brake hard.

8 . When you see this black and yellow sign, it means:

The road to the right is for one-way traffic only.
That due to upcoming roadwork, there is a detour to the right.
Slow down because the road ahead changes direction at an extreme angle.
There is a crossroad to your right.

9 . When you drive through an area where children are playing, you should expect them:

To know when it is safe to cross the street.
To stop at the curb before crossing the street.
To run out in front of you without looking.
Not to cross the street unless they are with an adult.

10 . The effect that lack of sleep has on your safe driving ability is the same as:

The effect that alcohol has.
The effect that amphetamines have.
The effect that anger has.
The effect that driving with teenagers has.
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11 . When passing another vehicle on a road with two lanes traveling in opposite directions, you should:

Return to the driving lane when there's enough room between you and the vehicle you passed.
Remain in the left lane if you intend to turn left.
Return to the right side of the roadway immediately.
Drive in either lane.

12 . This sign shows one type of:

Road curve.
Right turn.
Lane change.

13 . Roads become very slippery:

When it has been raining for an hour or more.
The day after it rains.
For the first 10 to 15 minutes of a rainstorm.
Right after the rain has stopped.

14 . You may turn left on a red light if:

There is no traffic coming from the opposite direction.
You are turning from a two-way street onto a one-way street.
You are turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street.
The car in front of you turns left.

15 . Before passing another vehicle, you should:

Flash your headlights to alert the driver.
Turn on your four-way flashers to warn the driver.
Give the proper turn signal to show that you are changing lanes.
Sound your horn to get the driver's attention.

16 . What is the meaning of this sign?

The traffic signal ahead is displaying a red light.
The traffic signal ahead is broken.
The traffic signal ahead is displaying a green light.
There is a traffic signal ahead.

17 . When exiting a highway, you should slow down:

On the main road, just before the exit lane.
Once you see a toll booth.
Once you have moved into the exit lane.
When you first see the exit sign.

18 . People under 16 years of age who use a false identification card to buy alcohol will:

Receive a driving suspension that starts on their 16th birthday.
Not be able to take the driver’s exam until their 21st birthday.
Receive a driving suspension that starts on their 21st birthday.
Be sent to an alcohol safety education class.