1 . When riding at night, you should do all of the following, except:

Use your high beam.
Use the headlights of vehicles ahead to help you see.
Be visible.
Ride only in the left portion of your lane.

2 . When carrying a passenger, you should:

Sit anywhere.
Sit farther forward than you usually do.
Sit farther back than you usually do.
Sit in your usual comfortable position.

3 . Motorists entering a highway from an entrance ramp to your right may not see your motorcycle. To help the entering drivers, you should:

Sound your horn.
Flash your lights.
Move to the left portion of your lane so they can share the lane, if necessary.
Move into another lane, if necessary.

4 . If you are not traveling slowly enough when shifting into a lower gear, the:

Motorcycle could lurch and the rear tire could skid.
Motorcycle could accelerate too quickly.
Front tire will likely skid.
Engine will make a loud noise.

5 . Riding gloves are often:

Made of leather.
Made of wool.
Not pre-curved.
Unsafe for the rider.

6 . If a friend has been drinking alcohol and wants to drive, which of the following should you not do?

Encourage friends to talk them out of driving.
Arrange for other transportation.
Tell them to take less-crowded roads.
Slow their pace of drinking.

7 . In general, when riding at night, your headlight should:

Not be used.
Be used on its high beam setting.
Be used on its low beam setting.
Alternate between high beam and low beam settings.

8 . When choosing clothes for riding, which of the following is not a good choice?

A jacket and pants that cover your arms and legs completely
Boots or shoes that cover your ankles
Gloves made of leather
A baseball cap to cover your hair

9 . A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:

Is not necessary if you have a windshield.
Only protects your eyes.
Helps protect your whole face.
Does not protect your face as well as goggles.

10 . If a tire goes flat while riding and you must stop, it is usually best to:

Relax on the handgrips.
Shift your weight toward the good tire.
Brake on the good tire and steer to the side of the road.
Use both brakes and stop quickly.

11 . Signs that are colored orange are:

Regulatory signs.
Guide signs.
School zone signs.
Work zone signs.

12 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Two-way left turn.
Two-way traffic.
Minimum speed limit.

13 . Your lane position should:

Protect your lane from other drivers.
Allow you a nice view of scenery.
Place you in other drivers’ blind spots.
Hide your intentions from other drivers.
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14 . If another driver is following you too closely, it is best to:

Not worry about them.
Change lanes and let them pass.
Speed up.
Get off the roadway.

15 . When you are being passed, you should:

Ride in the center portion of the lane.
Ride in the left portion of the lane.
Ride in the right portion of the lane.
Weave among the three portions of the lane as the vehicle passes.

16 . For motorcycle operators, helmets are:

Not required, but recommended.
Required by law.
Required only for operators who have had their license for two years or less.
Required only for operators who have received a traffic ticket within the last two years.

17 . To increase your line of sight when preparing to pass another vehicle on its left, you should:

Ride in the left portion of your lane.
Ride in the right portion of your lane.
Ride in the center portion of your lane.
Try to stand up on your motorcycle.

18 . Riding a motorcycle is ______ driving a car.

Less tiring than
More tiring than
Just as tiring as
No different from

19 . Head checks should be done:

Only when changing lanes.
Only when turning.
Frequently as a part of your normal routine.
Infrequently, because they take your eyes off the road ahead.

20 . When being passed by another vehicle, motorcyclists should be alert to:

The other vehicle's extended mirrors.
Objects being thrown from the other vehicle.
Gusts of wind coming from the passing vehicle.
All of the above.

21 . Motorcycle riders:

Should wear hearing protection at all times to prevent hearing damage.
Should only wear hearing protection during long rides.
Should not wear hearing protection because it will muffle other noises, such as horns and sirens.
Do not need to use hearing protection if they are using a helmet.

22 . This sign means:

Curve ahead.
Roadwork ahead.
Merging traffic.
No left turn.

23 . Pennant-shaped signs indicate:

School zones.
Speed limits.
Railroad crossings.
No passing zones.

24 . Making eye contact with another driver:

Indicates that the driver sees you.
Doesn’t mean that the driver will properly yield to you.
Guarantees that the other driver will properly yield to you.
May make the driver mad.

25 . This sign means:

No left turn.
No stopping.
No U-turn.
Detour ahead.