1 . Round signs indicate:

No passing zones.
School zones.
Upcoming railroad crossings.

2 . As a motorcycle operator, you can help others see you by:

Riding with your headlight off.
Wearing bright clothing.
Following other vehicles closely.
Not using turn signals.

3 . During the day, your headlight should:

Not be used.
Be used on its high beam setting.
Be used on its low beam setting.
Alternate between high beam and low beam settings.

4 . A motorcycle operator can slow down by:

Rolling on the throttle.

5 . Generally, the body eliminates how many alcoholic drinks per hour?


6 . This sign means:

Stop ahead.
Buggy warning.
Limited parking.
Do not block intersection.

7 . A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:

Is not necessary if you have a windshield.
Only protects your eyes.
Helps protect your whole face.
Is less effective than goggles.

8 . Just like cars, motorcycles have blind spots. When switching lanes, you should:

Turn your head and check your blind spot.
Look only at your mirrors.
Rely on your peripheral vision.
Slow down so any vehicle in your blind spot can pass you.

9 . When traveling as a group, a distance of _______ should be between the lead rider and the rider directly behind them.

Four seconds
Three seconds
Two seconds
One second

10 . This is a __________ sign.

Wrong way
Do not enter

11 . Of the following, which clothing item will not reduce injuries in a crash?

Heavy shoes
Full-length pants
Full-fingered gloves

12 . A group of riders should merge onto a highway in:

A single-file formation.
A staggered formation.
A pyramid formation.

13 . Refusing to take a breath test when requested to do so by an officer:

Is your right and will have no negative consequences.
Will result in legal consequences.
Is recommended.
Is not a serious offense.
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14 . How can you increase your ability to be seen at an intersection?

Try to make eye contact with other drivers.
Make sure you always ride using your headlight.
Wave your arms.
Ride closely to vehicles in front of you.

15 . On a motorcycle, a horn:

Is useless.
Usually cannot be heard by others.
Can be used to get someone’s attention quickly.
Should not be used.

16 . To be effective, an eye or face shield must:

Fasten securely.
Prevent air from passing through.
Not allow for eyeglasses to fit underneath.
Restrict your vision to the sides.

17 . A rider's lane position should:

Hide them from other drivers.
Change frequently to avoid monotony.
Protect them from the wind.
Allow them to surprise other drivers.

18 . For motorcycle passengers, helmets are:

Not required, but recommended.
Required by law.
Required only when riding with an operator who has had their license for two years or less.
Required only when riding with an operator who had a traffic ticket within the last two years.

19 . A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means:

Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Look both ways as you cross the intersection.
Always come to a full stop at the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

20 . This sign means:

Watch for drunk drivers.
Curves ahead.
Slippery when wet.
Apply your brakes quickly.

21 . If you operate a motor vehicle with your blood alcohol content (BAC) above the legal limit, what will happen?

You will still be allowed to drive, but only during daylight hours.
You will still be allowed to drive on weekends.
Your license will be revoked immediately for seven days.
Your license will be revoked immediately for a minimum of 30 days.

22 . Which of the following should you inspect during a pre-ride check?

The general wear and tread of your tires
The amount of cushion your seat has
The shine of your paint
The wind direction

23 . What are the four steps to safely completing a turn?

Slow, shift, look, and lurch.
Slow, look, press, and roll.
Press, lean, turn, and grip.
Shift, lean, tuck, and roll.

24 . Studies show that when motorcycles have their headlights turned on during the day:

They are not as easy to see as other vehicles.
They are more visible to other drivers than when their headlights are turned off.
Other drivers are often confused.
They are less safe than when their headlights are turned off.

25 . Maximum straight-line braking is done by:

Using only the rear brake.
Using only the front brake.
Using both the front and rear brakes without locking either wheel.
Using both the front and rear brakes while locking the rear wheel.