1 . The most effective thing you can do to reduce your risk of being injured or killed in a traffic crash is to:

Wear your seat belt.
Limit your driving to weekdays.
Stay in the right lane on multilane highways.
Limit your driving to hours between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

2 . At night, it is hardest to see:

Road signs.
Other motorists.
Street lights.

3 . A license will be suspended if a driver:

Refuses to submit to a chemical test.
Drives 10 mph over the speed limit.
Honks their horn in a residential area after midnight.
Does not turn off their high beam lights around another vehicle.

4 . If you leave your vehicle unattended, you must:

Turn off the engine.
Lock the ignition and remove the key.
Set the parking brake.
All of the above.

5 . This sign is a warning that you are approaching:

An intersection.
A crosswalk.
A railroad crossing.
A blasting zone.

6 . This sign is a:

Service sign.
Regulatory sign.
Warning sign.
Stop sign.

7 . If you are convicted of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) for the second time in a five-year period, you will:

Lose your license for only 90 days.
Be restricted to drivng on residential roadways.
Be required to install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID).
Be required to drive 10 mph under the speed limit at all times.

8 . Signs that are colored orange are:

Work zone signs.
Regulatory signs.
School zone signs.
Guide signs.

9 . A driver approaching a flashing red traffic signal must:

Slow down at the light.
Drive carefully without stopping.
Merge to the right.
Stop before entering the intersection.

10 . If two drivers arrive at the same time to a four-way intersection controlled by stop signs:

The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
The driver on the left has the right-of-way.
One driver may continue driving without stopping.
One driver should honk to indicate that they are giving up the right-of-way.

11 . You are approaching a railroad crossing and you do not see or hear a train. You must stop:

If a stop sign is posted.
If a crossing gate is lowered.
If the crossing lights are flashing.
All of the above.

12 . Which of the following commonly causes traffic accidents?

Inattentive driving
Excessive speed under the driving conditions
Following other vehicles too closely
All of the above

13 . You must yield to other drivers:

When entering a street from a garage or alley.
When they are on a road to your left and you have reached an unmarked intersection at the same time.
When your traffic signal is a green arrow.
All of the above.
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14 . This sign means:

No right turns.
Right turns are permitted.
Stop before turning right.
Sharp curve ahead.

15 . When a traffic signal light turns green, you should:

Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.
Accelerate as quickly as possible.
Back up slowly.
Not move until another driver waves you on.

16 . When driving past a vehicle that has just stopped in a parked position on the side of the road, you should:

Assume that the driver will open the car door as you approach.
Speed up.
Slam on your brakes.
Assume that the driver will wait for you to pass before opening the door.

17 . This sign means:

Low clearance.
Fines double in a work zone.
No left turn.
Do not block intersection.

18 . If worried, nervous, angry, or crying, a driver:

Will drive no differently than they would if they were thinking more clearly.
Can drive faster because they are more in touch with their senses.
Should take the time to focus on driving before starting the engine.
Should call a friend to vent while driving.

19 . You are entering a crowded freeway. What should you do to merge into traffic?

Use your side and rearview mirrors and check your blind spots.
Use the acceleration lane to adjust your speed to match the speed of freeway traffic.
Yield to traffic already on the freeway.
All of the above.

20 . A steady yellow light at an intersection means:

Yield to other cars.
Slow down and prepare to stop.

21 . The effect that lack of sleep has on your safe driving ability is the same as:

The effect that alcohol has.
The effect that amphetamines have.
The effect that anger has.
The effect that driving with teenagers has.

22 . When meeting a car with blinding headlights, you should:

Use your bright lights until the other vehicle dims theirs.
Flash your lights on and off to warn the other driver.
Dim your lights and then speed up to pass quickly.
Look toward the right side of the road.

23 . You are driving in the right lane of a multilane highway and want to move into the left lane. You should:

Look in your rearview mirror for traffic behind you before changing lanes.
Look over your left shoulder for traffic in your blind spot before changing lanes.
Look in your side mirror for traffic and turn on your directional signal.
All of the above.

24 . Many crashes are caused by:

Drivers traveling too fast for conditions.
Drivers consistently checking their mirrors and blind spots.
Drivers yielding the right-of-way.
Drivers maintaining a four-second following distance.

25 . When approaching railroad tracks, you should:

Look, listen, slow down, and be prepared to stop.
Speed up to cross the tracks before the gate is lowered.
Try to drive around a lowered gate.
Not pay attention to how many tracks there are to cross.