1 . You come to an intersection with a flashing red light. You must:

Slow down and drive carefully through the intersection.
Turn either right or left, since the road is blocked ahead.
Stop at the intersection and wait for a flashing green light.
Stop at the intersection, then proceed as traffic allows.

2 . Regulatory signs:

Are placed in every location where there is a present danger.
Indicate what a driver must or must not do.
Are diamond-shaped and yellow or green.
May warn drivers that they are approaching a school zone.

3 . When you drive through an area where children are playing, you should expect them:

To know when it is safe to cross the street.
To stop at the curb before crossing the street.
To run out in front of you without looking.
Not to cross the street unless they are with an adult.

4 . If a flagger is directing traffic in a construction zone, you must:

Follow the directions given by the flagger.
Copy what surrounding traffic is doing, despite the flagger's instructions.
Assume the flagger is not supposed to be directing traffic.
Follow the laws that would be in place if the area was not under construction.

5 . A good rule to remember for passing is:

Pass on the right whenever possible.
Drive with the flow of traffic and pass only as needed.
Try to get to the front of any slow-moving traffic so that you can see better.
Always flash your lights and sound your horn to alert other drivers to your intentions.

6 . Which of the following best ensures your safety and the safety of those around you when you are backing your vehicle?

Honk your horn right before shifting into reverse.
Check behind the vehicle before you get into the driver's seat.
Check your rearview mirrors to see what is behind you.
Turn up the car radio before backing up to get the attention of anyone who may be around you.

7 . This sign means:

No parking.
Divided highway ahead.
Left turn signal.

8 . You must stop at a railroad crossing when:

Directed to do so by a flagger.
It is controlled by a stop sign.
Flashing red signals and gates are present and operating.
All of the above.

9 . When you see this black and yellow sign, it means:

The road to the right is for one-way traffic only.
That due to upcoming roadwork, there is a detour to the right.
Slow down because the road ahead changes direction at an extreme angle.
There is a crossroad to your right.

10 . If you are driving on the interstate and pass your exit, you should:

Quickly cut across traffic to make your turn.
Make a U-turn to go back to the exit.
Continue driving and use the next exit.
Put your vehicle in reverse to go back to the exit.

11 . When approaching a flashing red traffic light, drivers should:

Drive through the intersection if there is no crossing traffic.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the light like a stop sign.

12 . What does a single dashed white line separating traffic mean?

Drivers may pass, even if it could be dangerous.
Lanes move in opposite directions.
Drivers may not pass.
Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.

13 . This sign means:

You must turn left or right.
You are approaching a T intersection.
The road that you are on intersects with a divided highway.
You are on an overpass above a divided highway.
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14 . While driving on a two-lane road without bicycle lanes, you encounter a bicyclist traveling in the same direction. What is the safest way to pass the bicyclist?

Slow down and wait until there is no traffic approaching, then pass the bicyclist while leaving him or her sufficient space.
Continue driving straight. It is the bicyclist’s responsibility to get out of your way.
Do not pass the bicyclist until you come to a traffic signal or stop sign.
Honk at the bicyclist to let him or her know you are about to pass.

15 . A traffic light displaying a green arrow and a red light means that:

You may only drive straight ahead.
You may drive only in the direction of the green arrow.
You must wait for a solid green light to proceed in any direction.
Vehicles moving in any direction must stop.

16 . When encountering an aggressive driver, you should:

Avoid eye contact, slow down, and let them pass.
Cut them off to slow them down.
Retaliate by tailgating them.
Make sure they know you disapprove of their behavior.

17 . You are turning onto a two-lane road divided by a broken yellow line. You know immediately that:

You are on a two-way road.
You are on a one-way road.
The road is under repair.
You must stay to the left of the broken yellow lines.

18 . If an aggressive driver cuts you off, you should:

Call the police immediately.
Stay calm and move out of the aggressive driver's way.
Flash your vehicle's lights to let the aggressive driver know he is wrong.
Use a driving action of your own to get back at the aggressive driver.

19 . When using a roundabout or rotary island, drivers should:

Yield to traffic already in the roundabout.
Yield to entering traffic.
Drive in a clockwise direction.
Stop within the rotary island.

20 . A diamond-shaped sign is a:

Road hazard sign.
Interstate route sign.
School crossing sign.
Speed limit sign.

21 . Look over your shoulder to check your blind spot when:

Pulling toward or away from a curb.
Turning left or right.
Changing lanes.
All of the above.

22 . Increasing your vehicle’s speed:

Increases your field of vision.
Decreases your field of vision.
Makes it easier to see cross traffic.
Has no effect on your field of vision.

23 . This road sign means:

Slow down or stop.
Stop, if necessary.
You must come to a complete stop.
Drive with caution and be ready to stop.

24 . Fog can greatly reduce the visibility of other vehicles, pedestrians, and traffic signals. When driving in fog, you should:

Drive cautiously and reduce your speed.
Not use your high beam headlights.
Use low beam headlights to better illuminate the road and objects.
All of the above.

25 . You are driving when it begins to rain. You should:

Drive faster than surrounding traffic.
Drive at the maximum posted speed limit.
Slow down.
Drive closely behind the vehicle in front of you.