1 . You are driving on the roadway and hear a siren behind you. You should:

Stop where you are.
Pull over to the right and stop.
Speed up to get out of the way.
Slow down.

2 . An approaching driver fails to dim their high beam headlights. Where should you look?

At the wheels of the approaching vehicle.
Toward the right side of the road.
Toward the left side of the road.
Straight down the middle of the road.

3 . A driver under the age of 18 may use a cell phone while driving:

At any time.
If they are making an emergency call.
To send a text message.
If they are driving at a speed slower than 40 mph.

4 . This sign means:

U-turns are prohibited.
U-turns are permitted.
Winding road ahead.
Sharp left turn ahead.

5 . Before changing lanes on a multilane highway, you should:

Sound your horn.
Turn on your headlights.
Reduce your speed.
Check your mirrors and blind spots.

6 . A “No stopping” sign means that, unless directed to do so by a police officer, you may stop only:

Long enough to unload packages.
To avoid conflict with other traffic.
To discharge passengers.
For less than five minutes.

7 . To safely pass a bicycle, you should:

Honk at the bicyclist to let them know you're trying to pass.
Drive in the bicycle lane until you get a chance to pass.
Slow down and give them as much space as possible.
Rush ahead to pull in front of the bicyclist.

8 . What does a single dashed yellow line separating traffic mean?

Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.
Both lanes travel in the same direction.
Drivers may not pass.
Drivers may pass, even if it could be dangerous.

9 . This sign means:

Continue at your current speed.
You must stop ahead.
Speeding is not allowed.
There is a traffic signal ahead.

10 . Drive below the posted speed limit when:

Anything makes conditions less than perfect.
You see a police car.
Entering a highway where there are other cars.
You are on a four-lane road.

11 . What can you do to avoid the need to make emergency stops while driving in traffic?

Honk your horn to make others aware of your presence.
Look ahead and maintain a safe following distance.
Drive in the right lane only.
Drive more slowly than the flow of traffic.

12 . If an approaching train is near enough or going fast enough to be a danger, you must:

Slow down and proceed with caution.
Not cross the tracks until the train has completely passed.
Cross the tracks at your own risk.
Find an alternative route across tracks.

13 . This sign means:

Stop sign ahead.
Lane closed ahead.
Railroad crossing ahead.
Traffic signal ahead.
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14 . When you see this sign, it means:

There is an object on the roadway.
Traffic is coming from the right.
The road is curving sharply to the left.
There is a merge point ahead.

15 . If you are driving behind a motorcycle, your following distance should be at least:

Four seconds.
Three seconds.
Two seconds.
One second.

16 . If your vehicle begins to skid, you should:

Turn your steering wheel into traffic.
Turn your steering wheel in the direction you want to go.
Release the steering wheel.

17 . Defensive driving is:

Identifying dangerous driving situations and taking action to avoid accidents.
Defending yourself against poor drivers by getting ahead of them in traffic.
Following the vehicle ahead of you at a close distance.
Quickly changing lanes and shifting in and out of traffic congestion.

18 . When approaching a working snowplow:

React the same as you would to any other motor vehicle.
Assume they will allow you to have the right-of-way.
Yield the right-of-way and exercise caution.
Come to a complete stop until they are out of your line of sight.

19 . A double solid yellow line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:

Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

20 . When approaching a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon with all of its lights darkened, you:

May proceed with caution.
Must come to a complete stop before proceeding with caution.
Must slow and prepare to stop.
Must come to a complete stop and yield to pedestrians.

21 . A leaky exhaust system in your vehicle is dangerous because it can cause:

A loss of hearing.
Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Poor engine performance.

22 . This road sign means:

Sharp turn to the right.
Double curve.
Winding road.
Pavement ends.

23 . You may drink alcoholic beverages in a vehicle on a public highway:

As long as you aren't driving.
If you are riding in the back seat.
If you are riding in the back of a pick-up truck.
Under no circumstances.

24 . You must pull over to the edge of the road and allow an emergency vehicle to pass:

Regardless of your direction.
Only if it is following you.
Only if it is approaching you from the opposite direction.
None of the above.

25 . What is the first thing you should adjust, if needed, when you get into a car to drive?

Your seat belt
The steering wheel
Your rearview mirror
Your seat