1 . Each time you pass a car, there is:

An increased chance of collision.
A decreased chance of collision.
No more or less chance of a collision.

2 . If you begin to feel tired while driving, the best thing to do is to:

Get some coffee.
Open your window.
Stop driving.
Turn on the radio.

3 . If a child is about to run into the street, you should:

Start to prepare to slow down.
Flash your headlights.
Sound a sharp blast of your horn.

4 . A good rule to remember for passing is:

Pass on the right whenever possible.
Drive with the flow of traffic and pass only as needed.
Try to get to the front of any slow-moving traffic so that you can see better.
Always flash your lights and sound your horn to alert other drivers to your intentions.

5 . This sign means:

Four-lane traffic ahead.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic ahead.

6 . The safest way to turn is by crossing as few lanes of traffic as you can.


7 . When parallel parking, you should park within ____ of the curb.

Six inches
10 inches
14 inches
18 inches

8 . Drivers should be most alert to possible deer and moose encounters:

At dusk.
At dawn.
During the night.
At dusk, at dawn, and during the night.

9 . After stopping for a school bus that is unloading children:

Do not proceed until the children wave to you.
Watch for children walking along the side of the road.
Accelerate quickly.
Turn on your emergency flashers.

10 . When driving down a long or steep hill, you should:

Check your mirrors for speeding traffic behind you.
Assume all traffic is maintaining a consistent speed.
Watch over your shoulder for traffic behind you.
Hold down your brakes to control the speed of traffic.

11 . When approaching a roundabout, you should:

Increase your speed.
Maintain your speed.
Decrease your speed.

12 . What does a lane use control signal displaying a solid yellow X indicate?

The signal is about to change to a red X.
The signal is about to change to a green arrow.
Drivers may use the indicated lane only to make a left turn.
Drivers may drive slowly in the indicated lane.

13 . A person who drives much slower than the speed limit:

Is a very safe driver.
Always has the right-of-way.
Should not let following cars pass.
May create a dangerous driving environment.

14 . Your tire blows out while you are driving. You should:

Slam on your brakes.
Hold your steering wheel tightly and slow to a stop.
Keep driving normally.
Turn on your emergency flashers and continue driving.

15 . Drive below the posted speed limit when:

Anything makes conditions less than perfect.
You see a police car.
Entering a highway where there are other cars.
You are on a four-lane road.

16 . When you hear a fire engine siren behind you, you must:

Slow down until it passes you.
Drive with your flashers on.
Pull over to the side of the road and stop.
Speed up and take the nearest exit.

17 . You are waiting to turn left at a multilane intersection and opposing traffic is blocking your view. You should:

Accelerate rapidly when the first lane you need to cross is clear.
Wait until you can see all the lanes you need to cross before going ahead with your turn.
Wait for an oncoming driver to wave you across the intersection.
Edge your car into each lane of opposing traffic as soon as it clears.

18 . What do speed limit signs indicate?

Potential driving speeds for the area
The maximum or minimum speed that is legally allowed to be driven
The speed drivers should drive in heavy traffic
The speed drivers should drive under poor conditions

19 . You want to turn left at an intersection. The light is green but oncoming traffic is heavy. You should:

Use the next intersection.
Wait at the crosswalk for traffic to clear.
Wait in the center of the intersection for traffic to clear.
Take the right-of-way since you have a green light.

20 . What does a flashing yellow traffic light mean?

Merging traffic
Proceed with caution.
Pedestrian crossing
Come to a full stop.

21 . You come to an intersection with a flashing red light. You must:

Slow down and drive carefully through the intersection.
Turn either right or left, since the road is blocked ahead.
Stop at the intersection and wait for a flashing green light.
Stop at the intersection, then proceed as traffic allows.

22 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.
Steep grade ahead.

23 . From top to bottom, the following is the proper order for traffic lights:

Red, yellow, green.
Red, green, yellow.
Green, red, yellow.
Green, yellow, red.

24 . This sign means:

No passing zone.
Slow-moving vehicle.
Two-way traffic.

25 . If you stop along the road at night:

Turn off all your lights.
Use your parking lights only.
Use your headlights only.
Turn on your emergency flashers and leave your low beams turned on.

26 . If a tire blows out, you should:

Apply the brake and hold it.
Hold the steering wheel tightly and use the brakes lightly.
Pull over quickly.

27 . Allow a larger space cushion than usual when stopping:

On an incline.
At an intersection.
At a stop sign.
At a toll plaza.

28 . When approaching a steady yellow traffic light, drivers should:

Accelerate to avoid a red light.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Slow to a stop, unless they are already within the intersection.
Check to see what the cars next to them are doing.

29 . This sign shows one type of:

Right turn.
Lane change.

30 . If you are following a driver who seems distracted, you should:

Increase your following distance.
Decrease your following distance.
Maintain a normal following distance.
Ignore them.

31 . A pedestrian starts to cross in front of your vehicle. You should:

Flash your lights.
Slow down.
Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrian.
Stop and let the pedestrian cross.
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32 . You may drive around or under a gate that is being lowered or raised at a railroad crossing:

As long as an approaching train is not too close.
If your vehicle can do so without damaging the gate.
If you first look carefully in both directions.
Under no circumstances.

33 . You are involved in an accident and another person is injured. You should:

Moved the injured away from the scene immediately.
Always leave the injured where they are.
Not move the injured unnecessarily. Keep the injured warm and administer first aid.
Stay away from the injured.

34 . At a school crossing sign, you should:

Always stop, whether there’s a stop sign or not.
Watch for children and be ready to stop.
Always sound your horn when you see children.
Be ready to help children crossing the street.

35 . When you are being tailgated:

Move over to the right, if there is an open lane to your right.
If there is not an open lane to your right, wait until the way is clear ahead and reduce your speed slowly to encourage the tailgater to drive around you.
Never slow down abruptly.
All of the above.

36 . You are waiting in the intersection to complete a left turn. You should:

Signal and keep your wheels turned to the left.
Signal and keep your wheels straight.
Flash your headlights so drivers will let you through.
Drive around the rear of a car if it blocks you.

37 . Before entering a roundabout, you must slow down and yield to:

Vehicles in the roundabout.
Bicyclists in the roundabout.
Pedestrians in the roundabout.
All of the above.

38 . This white sign means:

The railroad crossing is controlled. Continue at your regular speed.
Look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing if necessary.
Stop at the railroad tracks and wait for a signal before crossing.

39 . When taking any medicine, you should:

Consult your doctor about the effects before driving.
Have someone follow you home.
Keep your window open and drive more slowly.

40 . When stopped for a traffic violation or at an equipment check, the driver must produce:

Proof of insurance.
Their license.
Proof of registration.
All of the above.

41 . If you are about to be hit from the rear, you should not:

Release your seat belt.
Brace yourself.
Press your head against the head restraint.

42 . When making a turn, you must ____ your speed.


43 . Airbags give you full protection during a crash.


44 . When passing another vehicle, a driver should wait until the entire car they've just passed is visible in the rearview mirror before changing back into the right-hand lane.


45 . When a pedestrian guided by a dog or carrying a white cane is crossing the street:

You must always yield the right-of-way.
You must tell them where to cross the street.
You only have to yield the right-of-way if you are at a corner.

46 . Which lane must you be in before making a left turn from a one-way street?

The lane nearest the left curb.
The lane nearest the center of the street.
The lane nearest the right curb.

47 . Drivers may park in the handicap parking access aisles located directly beside handicap parking stalls.


48 . When following a driver whose view to the rear of their vehicle is blocked, increase your following distance to:

Three to four seconds.
Two seconds.
One second.

49 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic.
Keep left.

50 . If your gas pedal becomes stuck or jammed, you should:

Shift into neutral.
Apply the brakes.
Pull off the road.
All of the above.

51 . The risk of hydroplaning can can be reduced by driving:

Through shallow water.
More quickly.
More slowly.
Through deep water.

52 . You need to use extra caution when driving near a pedestrian using a white cane because:

He or she is deaf.
He or she is a police officer.
He or she is blind.
He or she has poor balance.

53 . If you have trouble seeing other vehicles because of dust or smoke blowing across the roadway, you should drive more slowly and turn on your:

Emergency flashers.
Parking lights.

54 . When approaching a railroad crossing, you should:

Slow down.
Look for a train.
Be ready to stop.
All of the above.

55 . To know where traffic is behind you:

Frequently check your rearview mirror.
Turn and look out your back window.
Keep other vehicles out of your blind spots.

56 . This sign indicates:

The distance from road surface to a bridge or overpass.
The maximum legal height of a vehicle allowed in this state.
The maximum width of a vehicle allowed on the highway.

57 . The sign with this shape and color is a ____ sign.

No passing zone
Wrong way
Railroad crossing

58 . When changing lanes:

Rely on the rearview mirror.
Look over your shoulder in the direction you plan to move.
Rely on the left side mirror.

59 . If you experience a tire blowout:

Tap or pump the brakes.
Slow down gradually and use your brakes lightly.
Apply the brakes firmly and quickly.

60 . If you have a sudden tire blowout:

Use the brakes lightly.
Pump the brakes.
Apply the brakes firmly.