1 . Traction is important in:

Safe braking.
Properly using turn signals.
Operating the horn.

2 . Livestock:

Should never be carried on a trailer.
Should be placed in the front of a trailer.
Can create unstable driving conditions.

3 . A ____ allows a driver to gradually apply spring brakes.

Modulating control valve
Trailer air supply control
Relay valve

4 . When you need to change lanes:

Other vehicles will likely get out of your way.
You should change lanes slowly and smoothly.
You should wait to change lanes until you are in an intersection.

5 . If the low air pressure warning signal comes on in a vehicle with air brakes, the driver should:

Test the brakes while driving, but continue driving if nothing seems wrong.
Immediately stop driving.
Drive with the hazard lights activated.

6 . When driving a vehicle, rough acceleration is:

Encouraged at slow speeds.
Encouraged at all speeds.
Discouraged at all speeds.

7 . If driving so slowly that you could impede the flow of traffic, you should:

Drive on the shoulder.
Drive while using your emergency flashers.
Drive without using any lights.

8 . If you remain in neutral for too long while switching gears:

The vehicle will speed up.
You may have trouble putting the vehicle into the next gear.
You may kill the engine.

9 . If a vehicle is accompanied by a vehicle inspection report:

The driver should first inspect the vehicle, then compare their notes with the report.
The driver should first look at the report when completing an inspection.
The driver should not conduct a pre-trip inspection and should rely only on the report.

10 . Mirror adjustment can only be checked properly if:

The trailer is straight.
There is no trailer.
The vehicle is on a slight incline.

11 . The steering wheel should be:

Held with both hands.
Held with one hand to keep the other hand free.
Held with one hand at a time, alternating between hands.

12 . A driver should:

Always use turn signals when changing lanes.
Only use turn signals if there is a vehicle next to them.
Not use a turn signal if a lane change is obvious.

13 . Air tank drains should:

Not be used by the driver.
Only be used when it is wet outside.
Be used to drain the tanks completely.

14 . Belts in the engine compartment should:

Be frayed.
Not have excessive wear.
Be greasy.

15 . During a basic vehicle control skills test, a look is when:

A driver checks the gauges on their instrument panel.
A driver checks their blind spots.
A driver walks to the back of their vehicle to check its position.

16 . What happens when a vehicle hydroplanes?

The tires lose contact with the road.
The trailer disengages from the tractor.
The vehicle becomes easier to control.

17 . Brakes can get out of adjustment quickly, especially:

If they are hot.
In the winter time.
If they are used frequently.

18 . When stopping a manual transmission vehicle, you should:

Push the clutch in when the engine is close to idle.
Push the clutch out when the engine is close to idle.
Shift into neutral when the engine is close to idle.

19 . When starting an engine as part of a pre-trip inspection, the driver should:

Listen for unusual noises.
Place the engine in first gear.
Turn on the heater.

20 . When approaching your vehicle as part of your pre-trip inspection, you should look for what as a sign of trouble?

A puddle of oil under the vehicle
Inflated tires
Lug nuts that look tight

21 . When checking windshield wiper blades, they should be:


22 . Your CDL will be revoked if:

You want to add an endorsement.
Your privilege to operate your personal vehicle is revoked.
You have not paid a toll.

23 . After a vehicle is started, warning lights and buzzers:

Should stay on for several minutes.
Should turn off within a few seconds.
Should stay on until manually turned off.

24 . During a pre-trip inspection, belts should be:

Checked for tightness.
Scrubbed clean.
Left alone and not inspected.

25 . If a speed limit is posted, the posted speed:

Should never be exceeded.
May be exceeded if passing another vehicle.
May be exceeded if driving in a rural area.

26 . When mirrors are properly adjusted:

No part of the vehicle should be visible in the mirrors.
A part of the vehicle should be visible in the mirrors.
More than half of each mirror should show the vehicle.
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27 . On a leaf spring:

Leaves should shift.
Leaves can be missing.
Leaves should not be broken.

28 . When checking tires, which of the following should not cause concern?

Too much air pressure
Tread of at least 4/32 of an inch on front tires
Radial and bias-ply tires used together

29 . Aggressive driving is:

Operating a vehicle in a selfish or pushy manner.
Operating a vehicle with a strong regard for other motorists’ safety.
Operating a vehicle in the left lane.

30 . When it is difficult to see and you are traveling near other drivers, you should:

Use high beam lights.
Use low beam lights.
Use only the clearance lights.

31 . Without engine oil:

A vehicle will get better gas mileage.
An engine can be destroyed quickly.
The ABS won’t work properly.

32 . After a tire has been changed, the driver should stop after a short distance of driving to:

Recheck the tightness of the lug nuts.
See if rocks have gotten into the tread.
Polish the tire.

33 . When traveling long distances, you should:

Take rest breaks.
Drive as fast as possible.
Drive through the night.

34 . When stopping, the brake pedal should be:

Pressed down quickly with both feet.
Pressed down gradually.
Lifted up quickly.

35 . When driving a 50-foot truck at 50 mph, your minimum following distance should be:

Four seconds.
Five seconds.
Six seconds.

36 . Hanging meat as cargo is usually:

Easy to transport.
Dangerous, due to the possible scent.

37 . If a vehicle's Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) is malfunctioning:

The vehicle will have no brakes.
The vehicle will still be able to brake.
The vehicle will likely travel faster than usual.

38 . For a hazardous materials endorsement, an applicant will be required to:

Provide their fingerprints and undergo a background check.
Provide employment history from the last five years.
Provide a list of countries visited within the last 10 years.

39 . The air storage tanks:

Hold only enough air for one braking cycle.
Hold enough air for the brakes to be used several times if the compressor stops working.
Do not hold air unless there is an emergency.

40 . Hanging meat as cargo is usually:

Very stable.
Easy to handle.

41 . Air tank drains should:

Only be used by mechanics.
Only be used when it is wet outside.
Be used to drain the tanks completely.

42 . Rough acceleration:

Can damage a vehicle.
Is common if a vehicle is warmed up.
Is encouraged to improve gas mileage.

43 . If another driver is tailgating you, you should:

Move into the left lane.
Speed up.
Increase the distance between you and the vehicle ahead.

44 . When backing with a trailer, turning toward the driver’s side is encouraged because:

The driver will have the best possible view.
Power lines should be on the passenger's side.
Other drivers can offer assistance on the passenger's side.

45 . If a vehicle is equipped with power steering, the hoses should be checked:

For leaks.
For the proper amount of brake fluid.
To ensure that they are connected to the battery.

46 . When accelerating on a surface with poor traction, such as a wet road, a driver should:

Speed up quickly.
Speed up slowly.
Not be concerned about the pavement.

47 . If your brakes fail when traveling downhill, decide what to do as quickly as possible because:

The longer you wait, the faster your vehicle will go.
The longer you wait, the more vehicles will get out of your way.
The longer you wait, the slower your vehicle will go.

48 . When it’s difficult to see, such as at dawn or dusk, a driver can increase their vehicle's visibility by:

Driving while using their lights.
Driving with their windows open.
Flashing their lights periodically.

49 . When starting your vehicle, the coolant temperature should:

Not change.
Increase gradually.
Quickly jump from low to high.

50 . Blocking a load:

Is only done with liquid cargo.
Helps to stabilize the load
Is dangerous and should never be done.