1 . Remove all snow, frost, and ice from:

Just the windshield.
All windows.
Just the windshield and passenger window.

2 . In a vehicle equipped with airbags, the safest place for children age 12 and under to ride is in:

The front seat.
The back seat.
The bed of a pick-up truck.

3 . This sign means:

Traffic signal ahead.
Yield the right-of-way.

4 . When driving at night, you should:

Always use your high beams.
Look directly at the headlights of an oncoming vehicle.
Increase your following distance.

5 . This sign means:

Pedestrian crossing.
Side road.
Railroad ahead.

6 . If you have had several beers, the effects of alcohol will be reduced only by:

Taking a cold shower.
Waiting several hours.
Drinking several cups of coffee.

7 . If you approach a stopped school bus that has its lights flashing and signal arm extended, you should:

Proceed at 15 mph if no children are present.
Proceed at normal speed, but watch for children.

8 . If you are being followed too closely on a multilane highway, you should:

Speed up to match the speed of the car behind you.
Move into the lane to your right and let the car pass.
Slow down to antagonize the driver.

9 . You are driving on the freeway behind a large truck. You should drive:

Closer behind the truck than you would if following a passenger vehicle.
Farther behind the truck than you would if following a passenger vehicle.
To the right side of the truck and wait to pass.

10 . When driving on gravel or dirt roads:

Your tires grip the road better than when you are driving on pavement.
Your tires do not have as much traction as they do on pavement, so you must slow down.
Visibility is better than on pavement.

11 . A solid yellow arrow on a traffic signal means:

You should speed up so you can make the turn before the light changes.
You do not need to signal to turn from the indicated lane.
You should prepare to stop and yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic.

12 . At a school crossing sign, you should:

Always stop, whether there is a stop sign or not.
Watch for children and be ready to stop.
Always sound your horn when you see children.

13 . When arriving to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as vehicles to your right and left, you should:

Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your left.
Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your right.
Wait until there are no vehicles at the intersection before proceeding.

14 . If you park facing uphill on a street with a curb, set the parking brake and:

Turn the front wheels toward the curb.
Turn the front wheels away from the curb.
Leave the front wheels straight.

15 . A pedestrian starts to cross the street after the "Don't Walk" signal begins to flash. The pedestrian is in the middle of the street when your signal light changes to green. You should:

Proceed if you have the right-of-way.
Proceed if the pedestrian is not in your lane.
Wait until the pedestrian crosses the street before proceeding.

16 . This sign means:

Slow-moving vehicle.
Road construction/maintenance area.
Traffic signal ahead.

17 . Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a business or residential area is:

15 mph.
25 mph.
35 mph.

18 . When you approach an octagonal sign, you must:


19 . On a green arrow, you must:

Yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian in the intersection.
Yield to pedestrians only in the intersection.
Wait four seconds before proceeding.

20 . You are approaching a green traffic light and traffic is blocking the intersection. What is the best thing to do?

Partially enter the intersection to establish your right-of-way.
Don't enter the intersection until you can get completely across.
Continue into the intersection and wait for traffic to clear.

21 . If there is a deep puddle on the road ahead, you should:

Maintain the posted speed to make it through the water.
Avoid the puddle if possible.
Shift into neutral as you drive through the water.
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22 . If a tire blows out, you should:

Apply the brake and hold it.
Hold the steering wheel tightly and use the brakes lightly.
Pull over quickly.

23 . Your license can be suspended if you are under 21 and drive with a blood alcohol level of:

0.15 percent or more.
0.08 percent or more.
Any amount.

24 . Alcohol is:

A stimulant.
An antihistamine.
A depressant.

25 . As your speed increases, it is important to:

Turn on your headlights.
Look well ahead of your vehicle.
Change lanes frequently.

26 . You may legally block an intersection:

If you entered the intersection on the green light.
During rush hour traffic.
Under no circumstances.

27 . You are entering a freeway. Check traffic on the freeway by:

Using your rearview and side mirrors.
Using your rearview mirror.
Using your side mirror and looking over your shoulder.

28 . A broken yellow line beside a solid yellow line indicates that passing is:

Permitted from the side next to the solid yellow line.
Not permitted from either direction.
Permitted from the side next to the broken yellow line.

29 . If your vehicle has a two-part safety belt system, you should:

Use only the lap belt.
Use both the lap and shoulder belts.
Use only the shoulder belt.

30 . Having a driver license is a:

Right, not a privilege.
Privilege, not a right.

31 . This red and white sign means you should:

Stop and check for traffic coming from both directions before proceeding.
Give the right-of-way to traffic on the road you wish to enter or cross.
Maintain a steady speed and check for traffic coming from all directions.

32 . The best way to avoid a dangerous situation while driving is to:

Know what is happening around your vehicle.
Turn off the radio.
Always keep your eyes focused ahead of your car.

33 . Only ____ can lower blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and reduce alcohol's effects on a body.

Drinking caffeine
Eating foods high in fat

34 . You are on the freeway and traffic is merging into your lane. You should:

Make room for the merging traffic, if possible.
Assert your right-of-way by driving faster.
Always maintain your position.

35 . When you see this sign, you:

Are approaching a railroad crossing and should prepare to stop.
Will always stop at the upcoming railroad crossing.
Should stop and wait for a signal before crossing the railroad tracks.

36 . This sign is a warning that you are approaching:

An intersection.
A crosswalk.
A railroad crossing.

37 . When entering the interstate on a short entrance ramp where there is no acceleration lane, you should:

Immediately enter the far-right traffic lane on the interstate and speed up to match the flow of traffic.
Use the shoulder of the main road to get up to the speed of traffic.
Speed up and enter the interstate only after you have identified a gap in traffic.

38 . Which of the following are factors commonly contributing to traffic crashes?

Exceeding the posted speed limit and driving too fast for conditions or circumstances.
Getting adequate rest and staying alert.
Scanning the environment and staying focused on the driving task.

39 . The maximum posted speed limit should be driven only:

During the night.
During the day.
Under ideal conditions.

40 . If you miss your exit on the freeway, you should not:

Continue on the freeway and find an alternate route to your destination.
Proceed to the next exit, leave the freeway, and return to your proper exit.
Back up on the road or shoulder.