1 . You have an improved chance of avoiding serious injury in a crash if you wear:

Face or eye protection.
A baseball cap.

2 . When crossing angled railroad tracks, it is usually best to:

Use the shoulder of the road to slow down before crossing the tracks.
Walk your motorcycle across the tracks.
Continue straight within your lane to cross the tracks.

3 . If your motorcycle starts to wobble, you should:

Gradually brake.
Grip the handlebars firmly and close the throttle gradually.

4 . This road sign means:

Road widens ahead.
Lane reduction. The right lane ends soon and traffic should merge left.
Highway entrance ramp ahead.

5 . When riding on a slippery surface, you should:

Increase your speed.
Use only your rear brake.
Avoid making sudden moves.

6 . This sign means:

Crossroad ahead.

7 . When riding at night:

Ride on the shoulder of the road.
Decrease your following distance.
Increase your following distance.

8 . If you began a curve on the outside and no traffic is present when you are exiting the curve, you should move:

Toward the center of the curve.
Toward the inside of the curve.
Toward the outside of the curve.

9 . This sign is a:

Service sign.
Regulatory sign.
Warning sign.

10 . An ideal lane position should:

Increase your ability to see and be seen.
Place you in other drivers’ blind spots.
Invite others to share your lane.

11 . Mirror checks should be done:

Frequently as a part of your normal routine.
Only when turning.
Only when changing lanes.

12 . When the road is slippery, maintain a following distance of at least:

One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.

13 . Which of the following factors may affect the blood alcohol content (BAC) of a person?

The amount of alcohol consumed
The drinker's height
The temperature outside
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14 . When riding in a group, mirrors:

Should be checked frequently by all riders.
Should be used only by the lead rider.
Should not be checked frequently because they can be a distraction.

15 . It is recommended that you take a curve by beginning on the outside of the curve, moving to the inside of the curve, and exiting on the outside of the curve. An alternate option is to:

Start on the inside of the curve and drift toward the outside.
Start in the center of the curve and stay there until you exit.
Weave between all three lane positions while taking a curve.

16 . If you cannot see through the vehicle ahead of you, your following distance should be a minimum of:

Three seconds.
Two seconds.
One second.

17 . The best way to stop quickly is to:

Use only your front brake.
Use only your rear brake.
Use both brakes at the same time.

18 . When changing lanes on a road with several lanes, you should:

Check only the lane next to you for traffic.
Check the lane next to you and the next lane over for traffic.
Rely only on your mirrors.

19 . When carrying a passenger, a motorcycle responds to directional changes:

More slowly than usual.
More quickly than usual.

20 . When carrying a passenger, you should:

Sit farther forward than you usually do.
Sit farther back than you usually do.
Sit in your usual comfortable position.

21 . When your mirrors are properly adjusted, you should see:

The lane behind you and the lane next to you.
Only behind your motorcycle.
Only next to your motorcycle.

22 . When riding a motorcycle, your feet should be:

On the footrests for balance.
Pointed with your toes aiming downward.

23 . Noise created by wind:

Is easy to get used to.
May cause irreversible hearing damage.
Is never a danger.

24 . This sign means:

Change in direction or narrowing of roadway.
No right turn.
No passing zone.

25 . As you consume more alcohol, your ability to safely ride:

Stays the same.