1 . When taking a curve while riding in a group, you should be in:

A single-file formation.
A staggered formation.

2 . When a lead rider's left arm is bent at the elbow with their index finger pointing straight up, it means:

Slow down.
Double-file formation.
Single-file formation.

3 . If your front wheel locks while you are braking, you should:

Keep the tire locked until your next stop.
Continue squeezing the front brake lever.
Release the front brake and immediately re-apply it.

4 . Where is the greatest potential for conflict between you and other vehicles?

At an intersection
On the highway
On any road

5 . What type of footwear is the best for motorcycle riders?

Leather boots

6 . If riding during the day, you should wear:

Brightly-colored clothing to increase your chances of being seen.
Clothing of any color because other drivers can easily see you in daylight.
Darkly-colored clothing to contrast with the bright sunlight.

7 . An orange and red triangular sign on a vehicle always means:

Slow-moving vehicle.
Shoulder work ahead.
The vehicle is broken.

8 . When an operator's left arm is bent at the elbow and pointing upward, it means the operator:

Is turning right.
Is turning left.
Is slowing or stopping.

9 . Having only one alcoholic drink before riding:

Will not lead to a DUI conviction.
Will never affect your riding skills.
Can affect your ability to operate a motorcycle.

10 . When riding in a group, mirrors:

Should be checked frequently by all riders.
Should be used only by the lead rider.
Should not be checked frequently because they can be a distraction.

11 . An octagonal sign is always a:

Speed limit sign.
Stop sign.
Hospital sign.
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12 . While accelerating a motorcycle with a sidecar, you should:

Steer straight ahead.
Steer slightly in the direction of the sidecar.
Steer slightly in the direction opposite the sidecar.

13 . Noise created by wind:

Is easy to get used to.
May cause irreversible hearing damage.
Is never a danger.

14 . The oily strip down the center of a lane:

Should only be traveled upon if you are sharing the lane with another vehicle.
Usually provides adequate traction for riding, unless it is raining.
Should be avoided at all times.

15 . If your front wheel locks while you are braking, you should:

Keep the tire locked up, as it will help you stop more quickly.
Release the front brake and only use the rear brake.
Release the front brake immediately and re-apply it.

16 . To minimize the potential for fatigue, you should:

Turn on the radio.
Take frequent rest breaks.
Drink caffeine.

17 . When approaching a traffic signal displaying a flashing yellow arrow, riders:

Should merge into a lane in the direction of the arrow.
Should come to a complete stop.
May turn left after yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

18 . The best footwear for motorcyclists are:

Sturdy boots.

19 . Under ideal conditions, riders should maintain a minimum ______ following distance.


20 . When riding in the rain, you should:

Ride down the center of your lane.
Ride on the right side of your lane.
Ride in tire tracks left by other cars.