1 . This sign means:

Side road.
Two-way left turn.
Farm machinery.

2 . Before turning left, it is important to:

Sound your horn.
Yield to oncoming vehicles.
Swing to the right side of your lane.
Wait until oncoming traffic has a red light.

3 . Which is the most common cause of traffic crashes?

New drivers
Human error
Bad weather
Bad roads

4 . This road sign means:

Slow down or stop.
Stop, if necessary.
You must come to a complete stop.
Drive with caution and be ready to stop.

5 . You are driving in the right lane of a multilane highway and want to move into the left lane. You should:

Look in your rearview mirror for traffic behind you before changing lanes.
Look over your left shoulder for traffic in your blind spot before changing lanes.
Look in your side mirror for traffic and turn on your directional signal.
All of the above.

6 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
Two-way left turn.
Minimum speed limit.
No parking.

7 . When you see or hear an emergency vehicle coming, you should:

Stop immediately and let the vehicle pass.
Drive as far toward the right side of the road as is safe and stop.
Proceed slowly and permit the vehicle to pass.
Keep moving slowly, staying to the right side of the road.

8 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic.
Keep left.

9 . You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because:

You are moving faster than the bicycle.
The bicycle always has the right-of-way.
Oncoming traffic may not see you pull out to pass the bicycle.
The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road.

10 . Drivers must yield to a pedestrian:

Even if the pedestrian crosses the street carelessly.
Only when the pedestrian is in a crosswalk.
Only if the pedestrian is on the same side of the road as the driver.
If the pedestrian uses a hand signal to ask oncoming drivers to stop.

11 . When passing a vehicle stopped on the side of the road, drivers should:

Increase their speed.
Vacate the lane closest to the stationary vehicle or slow down.
Pull off the road behind the stationary vehicle.
Move to the lane closest to the stationary vehicle.

12 . When the driver behind you wants to pass, you should:

Speed up.
Go the same speed.
Slow down to allow room in front of your vehicle for the other driver to complete the pass easily.
Change lanes.

13 . How can you help prevent rear-end collisions?

Avoid sudden stops.
Before stopping, check your mirrors and blind spots for traffic.
Release the gas pedal and let your vehicle slow before applying the brakes.
All of the above.

14 . Which medication(s) could have negative side effects that affect driving ability?

Any medication
Headache medicine
Diet pills
Prescription medication

15 . When approaching a flashing red traffic light, drivers should:

Drive through the intersection if there is no crossing traffic.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the light like a stop sign.

16 . You may continue carefully through an intersection with a yellow light if:

There is an emergency vehicle crossing your lane.
There are pedestrians crossing.
You are turning right.
You are already within the intersection when the light changes to yellow.

17 . “Highway hypnosis” is a driving condition that can result from:

Staring at the roadway for long periods of time.
Frequent rest stops.
Too much sleep the night before your trip.
Short trips on expressways.

18 . A broken yellow line alongside a solid yellow line means:

Passing on the left is permitted from either direction.
Passing is permitted from the lane next to the broken line.
Passing is permitted from the lane next to the solid line.
Passing is not allowed from either direction.

19 . You may honk your horn when you:

Have to stop quickly.
Are passing another car.
Have lost control of your car.
Are passing a bicyclist.

20 . You are coming to an intersection and have a green light. Pedestrians are crossing against the red. You should:

Honk your horn.
Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrians.
Stop to let the pedestrians cross safely.
Drive close to the pedestrians and frighten them so they’ll think twice before crossing against a red light.

21 . When two vehicles arrive to an intersection at the same time, which one has the right-of-way when no signs or signals indicate rules?

The car approaching from the right has the right-of-way.
The car approaching from the left has the right-of-way.
The car in which the driver sounds his horn first has the right-of-way.
The car that is traveling the fastest has the right-of-way.

22 . Passing is prohibited:

On hills and curves.
At intersections.
At railroad crossings.
All of the above.

23 . What does a flashing yellow traffic light mean?

Merging traffic
Proceed with caution.
Pedestrian crossing
Come to a full stop.

24 . Work zone signs mean:

It is summer.
You must immediately stop and back up.
Less than ideal conditions are present for driving.
You should drive faster to get out of the work zone.

25 . If a gate near a drawbridge is about to lower across the road:

Find a way around the gate.
Quickly drive under the lowering gate.
Come to a complete stop and wait for the gate to rise before you proceed.
Stop only if you cannot pass underneath the gate before it lowers completely.

26 . If you need to slow down while driving on a slippery road, the first thing you should do is:

Firmly apply your brakes.
Take your foot off the gas pedal.
Apply your parking brake.
Pump your brakes.
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27 . Which of the following is true regarding seat belts and child restraints in vehicles?

You should never place an infant or small child in the front seat of a vehicle with airbags.
An airbag can be dangerous to an infant or small child, even in a low-speed collision.
You should always make sure all your passengers are using a seat belt or child restraint.
All of the above.

28 . When driving on roads that may be slippery:

Always drive at the maximum speed limit.
Use cruise control to maintain a steady speed.
Reduce your following distance.
Do not make any sudden changes in speed or direction.

29 . In which of the following ways can alcoholic beverages affect you?

It slows your reaction time.
It gives you a feeling of false confidence.
It impairs your thinking ability.
All of the above.

30 . This sign means:

Crossroad ahead.
Keep right.
Yield ahead.

31 . When using a roundabout or rotary island, drivers should:

Yield to entering traffic.
Yield to traffic already in the roundabout.
Drive in a clockwise direction.
Stop within the rotary island.

32 . Seat belts are most effective when they are worn by:

The person driving the car.
Passengers when they are on a long drive.
All occupants of a car being driven on an expressway.
All occupants of a car every time the car is driven.

33 . If there are two railroad tracks next to each other:

It is always safe to proceed after one train passes.
You must always stop before crossing the tracks.
When one train passes, look for another train on the other track before proceeding.
Honk your horn as you cross the tracks.

34 . A flashing yellow light at an intersection means that you should:

Slow down and proceed with care.
Continue normally through the intersection.
Stop and proceed when a green light appears.
Stop and proceed when the way is clear.

35 . Fines for moving traffic violations in school zones are:


36 . Traffic signs and pavement markings:

Must always be obeyed.
Are merely suggestions.
Must be followed only when there is other traffic.
Must be followed only when a police officer is present.

37 . When a funeral procession is present, ____ has the right-of-way.

The funeral procession
A pedestrian
Another driver
A bicyclist

38 . This road sign means:

No right turn.
Turn right or left.
Traffic flows only in the direction of the arrow.

39 . If you are driving on the interstate and pass your exit, you should:

Quickly cut across traffic to make your turn.
Make a U-turn to go back to the exit.
Continue driving and use the next exit.
Put your vehicle in reverse to go back to the exit.

40 . When you see other drivers around you acting or reacting in anger:

Don’t make eye contact.
Don't react with hand gestures.
Distance yourself from the situation.
All of these.

41 . Before turning, you should:

Use your signal.
Turn the wheel.
Increase your speed.
Change lanes.

42 . You may not park:

On a hill.
In a parking lot.
On a crosswalk or in a marked bicycle lane.
Within 12 inches of the right side of the road.

43 . This road sign means:

The road ahead curves right. Slow down to the safe speed indicated.
Divided highway begins. Slow down to the safe speed indicated.
Merge. Slow down to the safe speed indicated.
Winding road ahead. Slow down to the safe speed indicated.

44 . This sign means:

Trucks are permitted on an upcoming narrow bridge.
The bridge ahead is open to one-way traffic only.
The bridge ahead is wide enough for only one car at a time.
The bridge ahead may be too narrow to meet or pass a truck.

45 . When driving under icy or snowy conditions, which driving technique will help drivers avoid crashes?

Add extra weight to their vehicles to improve traction.
Get off the highways as quickly as possible.
Engage the four-wheel drive on their vehicles.
Reduce their speed and increase their following distance.

46 . When driving to an unfamiliar area, you:

Should depend on road signs to find your way.
Should plan your trip in advance.
Only have to know generally where your destination is.
Should always choose the most direct route.

47 . What does this road sign mean?

Slow down and prepare to stop if cars are approaching you.
Come to a full stop and go when it is safe to do so.
Proceed carefully through the intersection, not always stopping.
Stop only for traffic on an intersecting road.

48 . If you need to drive in foggy weather:

Turn on your low beam headlights.
Turn on your hazard lights.
It is okay to drive at the maximum speed limit.
Do not drive at a speed above 10 miles per hour.

49 . Increase your following distance when:

Driving behind a large vehicle that blocks your vision.
Exiting an expressway.
Following a motorcycle.
All of the above.

50 . This sign means:

Narrow bridge ahead.
Lane ends or roadway narrows ahead.
Industrial area.
Freeway on-ramp ahead.