1 . When holding the right handgrip, you should:

Keep your hand and wrist loose.
Prepare to use too much throttle.
Start with your right wrist up.
Start with your right wrist down.

2 . If you lock the rear tire on a good traction surface, you should:

Release and re-apply the rear brake.
Keep it locked until you completely stop.
Release the rear brake and only use the front brake.
Release the rear brake and use both brakes to stop.

3 . A properly-fitted motorcycle:

Allows the rider to touch the ground with their feet while seated.
Has a seat even with the rider's waist.
Has a seat that is 10 inches above the rider's waist.
Has a seat that is 10 inches below the rider's waist.

4 . A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield protects the wearer from:

Headlight glare.

5 . While braking a motorcycle with a sidecar, you may need to:

Steer straight ahead.
Steer slightly in the direction of the sidecar.
Steer slightly in the direction opposite the sidecar.
Steer sharply in the direction of the sidecar.

6 . If you cannot see through the vehicle ahead of you, your following distance should be a minimum of:

Three seconds.
Two seconds.
One second.
Ten seconds.

7 . Use a turn signal:

When you’re planning to increase your speed.
Only when there is a lot of traffic.
Any time you plan on changing lanes.
Only if it is dark outside.

8 . Experienced riders use the acronym "SIPDE" as a way to remain aware of conditions around them. What does the "I" stand for in "SIPDE?"


9 . A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:

Is not necessary if you have a windshield.
Only protects your eyes.
Helps protect your whole face.
Does not protect your face as well as goggles.

10 . When braking while riding a three-wheeled motorcycle downhill, riders:

Should use only their rear brakes.
Should use only their front brakes.
Will need to increase their braking force.
Will need to decrease their braking force.

11 . When riding on a slippery surface, you should not:

Reduce your speed.
Avoid sudden moves.
Use both brakes.
Brake quickly.

12 . In any crash, you have a better chance of avoiding serious injury if you do all of the following, except:

Wear an approved helmet.
Wear face or eye protection.
Wear protective clothing.
Have a windshield.

13 . Riding at night is usually:

Easier than riding during the day because you can more easily see the lights of other vehicles.
More difficult than riding during the day because it is harder to see.
Not allowed on highways.
Less distracting than riding during the day.
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14 . What may help if you experience slippage of your drive chain?

Tightening the chain
Loosening the chain
Using the throttle more
Applying the rear brake

15 . One way to tell if your rear tire has gone flat while riding is if:

There is a hissing noise coming from the rear of the bike.
The back end is jerking from side to side.
You are unable to accelerate.
The rear brake does not work.

16 . Which of the following is not a good safety tip?

Slow to a safe speed before turning.
When turning, lean in the direction you wish to go.
Avoid dragging your feet on the roadway.
Avoid looking at other vehicles.

17 . This road sign means:

Turn right after making a complete stop.
Right turns are not permitted.
Left turns are permitted.
None of the above.

18 . Which types of brakes do most motorcycles have?

Front and emergency
Rear and emergency
Front and rear
Only a front brake

19 . This road sign means:

Side road.
Keep to the side indicated by the arrow.
You may drive in the left lane.
You have the right-of-way.

20 . When riding a three-wheeled motorcycle, a rider should:

Be aware of the vehicle's tip-over lines.
Place weight outside of the tip-over lines.
Ride on two wheels whenever possible.
Ride on one wheel whenever possible.

21 . What should you do when you see this sign?

Look for a train station ahead.
Signal before going any further.
Slow down and yield for trains.

22 . When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should be placed:

In the front of the group.
Just behind the lead rider.
At the back of the group.
Anywhere within the group.

23 . This road sign means:

Road widens ahead.
Lane reduction; the right lane ends soon.
Highway entrance ramp ahead.
Lane reduction; the left lane ends soon.

24 . An advantage to keeping the size of a group of riders small is:

A small group is less easily separated in traffic than a larger group.
A small group can disregard traffic laws to stay together.
Riders will always be trying to catch up to the group.
It will be difficult to keep track of where everyone is.

25 . Road users should:

Stare directly ahead of their vehicles.
Scan the road ahead of, next to, and behind their vehicles.
Rely only on their mirrors.
Scan the road, but only when traveling in the dark.