1 . License plates are required to be:

Displayed horizontally.
Fastened in a way to prevent swinging.
Clean and visible at all times.
All of the above.

2 . When parking uphill on a hill or incline with a curb:

Turn your front wheels sharply toward the curb.
Turn your front wheels slightly to the right.
Turn your front wheels sharply away from the curb.
Keep your front wheels straight.

3 . If you stop along the road at night:

Turn off all your lights.
Use your parking lights only.
Use your headlights only.
Turn on your emergency flashers and leave your low beams turned on.

4 . This sign means:

Trucks are permitted on an upcoming narrow bridge.
The bridge ahead is open to one-way traffic only.
The bridge ahead is wide enough for only one car at a time.
The bridge ahead may be too narrow to meet or pass a truck.

5 . When riding in a vehicle, small children:

May be safely held by a strong adult.
Will be safe if they are standing on the floor in the back of the vehicle.
Will not be hurt in an accident because they are small.
Must never be allowed to ride while standing in the vehicle.

6 . What does a single dashed white line separating traffic mean?

Drivers may pass, even if it could be dangerous.
Lanes move in opposite directions.
Drivers may not pass.
Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.

7 . You are waiting to turn left at a multilane intersection and opposing traffic is blocking your view. You should:

Accelerate rapidly when the first lane you need to cross is clear.
Wait until you can see all the lanes you need to cross before going ahead with your turn.
Wait for an oncoming driver to wave you across the intersection.
Edge your car into each lane of opposing traffic as soon as it clears.

8 . A stop sign is shaped like a(n):


9 . Before switching on the ignition, you should:

Be sure only backseat passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure only adult passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure only child passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure all of the vehicle's occupants have buckled their seat belts.

10 . Allow a larger space cushion than usual when stopping:

On an incline.
At an intersection.
At a stop sign.
At a toll plaza.

11 . Do not pass:

On a hill or curve.
When school bus lights are flashing.
When approaching an intersection.
All of the above.

12 . This sign means:

Heavy traffic ahead.
Do not enter.
Railroad crossing.

13 . When driving behind a transit bus that is signaling to enter a traffic lane:

Quickly pass the bus before it re-enters traffic.
Yield the right-of-way to the transit bus.
Expect the bus to yield the right-of-way to you.
Either yield the right-of-way or don't yield the right-of-way. There is no specific rule.
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14 . If a driver sees an animal on the roadway:

No special action is required.
The driver should honk their horn.
The driver should pass the animal as closely as possible.
The driver should be very cautious.

15 . You are approaching a railroad crossing and you do not see or hear a train. You must stop:

If a stop sign is posted.
If a crossing gate is lowered.
If the crossing lights are flashing.
All of the above.

16 . You are involved in an accident and your vehicle is blocking traffic. You should:

Move your vehicle off the traveled portion of the roadway, if possible.
Not move your vehicle under any circumstances.
Wait until the police arrive before moving your vehicle.
None of the above.

17 . When preparing to turn left, drivers should:

Slow down gradually while checking their rearview mirror.
Move into the left lane.
Watch for oncoming vehicles and pedestrians.
All of the above.

18 . Before changing lanes on a multilane highway, you should:

Sound your horn.
Turn on your headlights.
Reduce your speed.
Check your mirrors and blind spots.

19 . Which of the following is a safe way to drive through a curve?

Slow down as you enter, speed up as you exit.
Maintain a constant speed throughout the curve.
Speed up as you enter, slow down as you exit.
Stay near the right edge of your lane.

20 . If one of your tires blows out as you are driving, you should:

Brake hard immediately.
Try to steer straight while gradually slowing by removing your foot from the gas pedal.
Maintain your current speed and steer straight.
Swerve back and forth to alert traffic behind you.

21 . You may not cross a single broken white or yellow line:

When doing so would interfere with traffic.
When turning left into a driveway.
When the car in front of you is disabled.
When passing to the right on a one-way street.

22 . After stopping for a school bus that is unloading children:

Do not proceed until the children wave to you.
Watch for children walking along the side of the road.
Accelerate quickly.
Turn on your emergency flashers.

23 . When parking your vehicle downhill on a two-way street:

Turn your wheels to the right.
Turn your wheels to the left.
Keep your wheels pointed straight ahead.
Leave your transmission in neutral.

24 . Lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions are divided by ____ lines.


25 . A good defensive driver:

Drives slowly at all times.
Looks out for the actions of other drivers.
Travels at a constant speed.
Only drives in familiar areas.