1 . To shift up to a higher gear, you must:

Place your foot under the shift lever and lift.
Place your foot over the shift lever and push.
Use your thumb to move the lever.

2 . To operate a motorcycle, you must have a _____ license.

Class M1
Class M2
Class C

3 . This sign means:

Crossroad ahead.

4 . If vehicles or other potential hazards are to your right, you should ride on which side of your lane?

Either side

5 . When passing another vehicle, you should:

Linger in its blind spot.
Move out of its blind spot as quickly as possible.
Decelerate in the passing lane.

6 . Your motorcycle should fit you, meaning:

Your fingertips should barely reach the handlebars when you are seated on the motorcycle.
The seat should be one foot higher than your waist when you are standing next to the motorcycle.
Your feet should comfortably reach the ground when you are seated on the motorcycle.

7 . This sign indicates a:

Railroad crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
No passing zone.

8 . When riding with a passenger on your motorcycle, you should instruct the passenger to:

Get on the motorcycle before the engine starts.
Sit as far back as possible on the bike.
Not talk or move unnecessarily.

9 . The operator of any motor vehicle involved in a collision causing injury to any person must:

File a report, but only if planning to report the accident to their insurance company.
Contact the highway department.
Submit a report of the accident to the DMV.

10 . Your lane position should:

Allow you to blend in with traffic.
Provide an escape route.
Encourage others to use your lane.

11 . What can grant moped users access to a bike path?

Property owners adjacent to the path
Local law

12 . A motorcyclist may not place a toll road transponder:

On the windshield of their motorcycle.
In their pocket.
Under their seat.

13 . If braking in a curve:

Only use the front brake.
You may have less traction as you lean into the curve.
You will have more traction as you lean into the curve.

14 . On a motorcycle, which brake provides the most stopping power?

The front brake
The rear brake
The emergency brake

15 . If traveling with a load, the load should be:

Secured as low as possible.
Secured as high as possible.
Attached to a sissy bar.

16 . An engine will seize due to:

A lack of oil.
A lack of fuel.
Improper tire inflation.
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17 . _________ of all collisions involving a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle are caused by the driver failing to yield the right-of-way to the motorcyclist.

More than half

18 . The human body removes alcohol at a rate of:

About one drink per hour.
About two drinks per hour.
About three drinks per hour.

19 . Mirrors on motorcycles:

Have blind spots, just like cars.
Do not have blind spots because a motorcycle is usually smaller than a car
Are not required.

20 . This road sign means:

Pedestrian crossing.
School crossing.
Jogging trail.

21 . A motorcycle’s horn is ________ a passenger vehicle's horn.

Louder than
Quieter than
About as loud as

22 . If you are riding behind another vehicle at night, you can determine if there are bumps on the road ahead by:

Listening for the other vehicle scraping against the pavement.
Noticing the other vehicle’s taillights bouncing up and down.
Looking at the rear bumper of the vehicle ahead and trying to determine if it is bouncing.

23 . The Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends a SEE strategy to make safe judgments while riding. What does "SEE" stand for?

Search, Evaluate, and Execute.
Slow, Experienced, and Error-free.
Safe, Experienced, and Evasive.

24 . Smaller vehicles appear to be ________ and slower than they really are.

Farther away

25 . If you will be carrying a passenger on your motorcycle, you will likely have to:

Reduce the tire pressure.
Make no tire pressure adjustments.
Increase the tire pressure.

26 . When traveling at night, it is:

Easier to judge distances than it is during the day.
About as easy to judge distances as it is during the day.
More difficult to judge distances than it is during the day.

27 . Before starting a turn, a motorcyclist should change gears to:

Prevent a change in power in the middle of the turn.
Be able to keep both hands on the handle grips during the turn.
Prevent the motorcycle from slowing down.

28 . When cars are merging from an entrance ramp:

A motorcyclist should assume the entering drivers see them.
A motorcyclist should never assume the entering drivers see them.
A motorcyclist should stop.

29 . Motorcycles:

Need less room to stop than other larger vehicles.
Need as much room to stop as other larger vehicles.
Can stop instantly.

30 . Of the following, which item will you not be asked to identify in a pre-trip inspection when taking the motorcycle skills test?

Kill switch
Windshield wipers