1 . This road sign means:

Drive with caution and be ready to slow down.
Do not drive in this lane.
You must come to a complete stop and yield the right-of-way.
Slow down, be prepared to stop, and, if necessary, yield the right-of-way.

2 . When approaching a blind intersection, riders should:

Stop at the stop line before moving forward to improve their view of cross traffic.
Stop at the stop line then proceed through the intersection.
Ignore the stop line and move forward to get a better look.

3 . When a lead rider extends their left arm straight out with their palm facing up before swinging their arm upward, it means:

Speed up.
Pull over.
Hazard in the roadway.

4 . When riding a three-wheeled motorcycle, you should stay in:

The left side of the lane.
The right side of the lane.
The center portion of the lane.

5 . If you borrow a motorcycle, you should:

Assume all controls are in the same location as they are on your motorcycle.
Immediately take it out on the highway.
Get familiar with it in a controlled area.

6 . Swerving a motorcycle:

Requires a lot of traction.
Requires little traction.
Is a slow maneuver.
Should be done to avoid a hazard on a slippery road.

7 . When riding a motorcycle:

It is a good idea to drag your feet.
Your toes should be pointed downward.
You should keep your feet firmly on the footrests.
You should try to keep your feet away from the controls.

8 . When being passed by another vehicle, you should travel in:

The left portion of the lane.
The center portion of the lane.
The right portion of the lane.

9 . What type of footwear is the best for motorcycle riders?

Leather boots

10 . A diamond-shaped sign means:


11 . What does alcohol do to your riding skills and judgement?

It harms both riding skills and judgement.
It helps riding skills but harms your judgement.
It has no effect on either riding skills or judgement.

12 . When a lead rider is bending their left arm at the elbow, pointing upward, and swinging their arm toward their helmet, it means:

Speed up.
Pull over.
Hazard in the roadway.

13 . As your motorcycle accelerates, you will need to:

Shift to a higher gear.
Shift to a lower gear.
Put the bike in neutral.
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14 . The first thing you should do if your throttle becomes stuck is:

Operate the engine cut-off switch.
Jump off the motorcycle.
Twist the throttle back and forth.

15 . If another driver makes eye contact with you:

You know that they have seen you.
It doesn’t always mean they've actually seen you.
They will properly yield to you.

16 . A pre-ride inspection:

Takes only minutes.
Takes about an hour.
Should only be done by a certified mechanic.

17 . When a lead rider's left arm is bent at the elbow with their index and middle fingers pointing straight up, it means:

Slow down.
Double-file formation.
Single-file formation.

18 . Your knees should be:

Against the handlebars.
Against the gas tank.
Straightened and wide.

19 . This sign means:

School zone or crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Railroad ahead.

20 . When riding in a group, riders should:

All maintain safe following distances.
Follow each other as closely as possible.
Not worry about distances between members.

21 . A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:

Is not necessary if you have a windshield.
Only protects your eyes.
Helps protect your whole face.

22 . Head checks should be done:

Only when changing lanes.
Frequently as a part of your normal routine.
Only when turning.

23 . Lane sharing is:

Usually prohibited.
Encouraged in congested traffic.
Acceptable if vehicles are traveling slowly.

24 . Passengers should:

Lean as the operator leans.
Hold onto their seat.
Sit as far back on the bike as possible.
Never hold onto the operator.

25 . Before mounting a motorcycle, you should check all of the following, except:

The air pressure in the tires.
Fluid levels.
The turn signals.
Damage to the paint.