1 . If you are continually being passed on the right and the left while driving in the center lane of an expressway, you should:

Stay in the center lane.
Move to the lane on your right.
Move to the lane on your left.

2 . Which of the following describes the thinking of defensive drivers?

They know other drivers will do the right thing.
They consider what other drivers might do and are prepared to react.
They expect no breaks and give none.

3 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds in a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.

4 . When arriving to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as vehicles to your right and left, you should:

Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your left.
Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your right.
Wait until there are no vehicles at the intersection before proceeding.

5 . Extra space in front of a large truck is needed for:

Other drivers to merge onto the freeway.
The truck driver to stop the vehicle.
Other drivers when they want to slow down.

6 . A solid white line down the center of a road indicates that:

Lanes travel in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass.
Lanes travel in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass.
Lanes travel in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.

7 . A five-ounce glass of wine contains the same amount of alcohol as:

A gallon of wine.
One 12-ounce can of beer.
One pint of whiskey.

8 . If you are about to be hit from the rear, you should consider each of the following, except for:

Applying your brakes.
Letting go of the steering wheel.
Pressing your head firmly against the head restraint.

9 . When driving on an interstate, to avoid traffic merging from on-ramps to your right, the best thing to do is to:

Change lanes to the left.
Slow down.
Maintain your speed and position.

10 . If you are driving and you see animals standing near the roadway:

Speed up to scare them away.
Slow down and proceed with caution.
Quickly swerve into the next lane.

11 . When approaching a flashing yellow traffic light, drivers should:

Treat the light like a stop sign.
Wait until the light turns green to proceed.
Slow down and proceed with caution through the intersection.

12 . Increase your following distance when driving behind a large vehicle:

To better see around the sides of the vehicle.
Because other drivers tend to pull behind large vehicles before trying to pass them.
Because following too closely will get you caught in the vehicle's slipstream.

13 . This road sign means:

Road widens ahead.
Lane reduction. The right lane ends soon and traffic should merge left.
Highway entrance ramp ahead.
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14 . This symbol is used for:

Dangerous intersections.
Slow-moving vehicles.
Yield signs.

15 . It is unlawful to:

Pass another vehicle in any marked no passing zone.
Pass another vehicle over a railroad crossing.
Both of the above.

16 . This sign indicates a:

Railroad crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
No passing zone.

17 . A curb painted red means:

Loading zone.
The area is reserved for picking up or dropping off passengers.
No parking, standing, or stopping.

18 . When parking your vehicle on any hill:

One of your rear wheels should touch the curb.
Use your parking brake and leave the vehicle in "park."
Your front wheels should be parallel to the road, if there is no curb.

19 . When you see this sign, you should:

Watch for traffic merging from the right.
Merge right.
Turn left.

20 . This sign means:

School zone or crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Railroad ahead.

21 . You may be able to identify an aggressive driver by:

Their erratic and improper lane changes.
The number of passengers in their car.
Their tendency to drive slowly.

22 . This sign means:

You are approaching the end of a divided highway.
You are approaching the beginning of a divided highway.
The road will be slippery ahead.

23 . What does this road sign mean?

Winding road
Loose gravel
Slippery when wet

24 . This sign means:

School crossing.
School zone.
Pedestrian crossing.

25 . This sign tells you that:

No turns are allowed on the road.
The road narrows ahead.
There is a series of curves ahead.