1 . If you are hit by a wind blast caused by a passing vehicle, you will have the most room for error if you are riding:

In the left portion of the lane.
In the center portion of the lane.
In the right portion of the lane.
On the shoulder.

2 . When your mirrors are properly adjusted, you should see:

Only next to your motorcycle.
Only behind your motorcycle.
The lane behind you and the lane next to you.
The front of your helmet.

3 . What does this road sign mean?

Slow down and prepare to stop if cars are approaching you.
Come to a full stop and go when it is safe to do so.
Proceed carefully through the intersection, not always stopping.
Stop only for traffic on an intersecting road.

4 . When riding with a passenger, you may need to adjust:

The brakes.
The brake light.
The fluid levels.
The shock absorbers.

5 . When should the front brake be used?

Any time the rider is slowing or stopping
Only when slowing or stopping on slippery roads
Only when slowing or stopping in an emergency
Only when slowing or stopping in traffic

6 . More than half of all crashes:

Involve riders who have operated their motorcycles for less than six months.
Are caused by faulty ignition systems.
Occur because of distractions caused by passengers.
Happen at night.

7 . When riding your motorcycle, your feet:

Should be pointed downward.
Should be firmly on your footrests near the controls.
Should be dragging on the ground.
Should be wherever you are most comfortable.

8 . Reflective clothing should:

Be worn only at night.
Be worn only during the day.
Not be worn.
Be worn day and night.

9 . This sign means:

No left turn.
Flagger ahead.
Two-way left turn.
Turn right or go through.

10 . Crashes are more likely to occur among:

Experienced riders.
Beginning riders.
Those familiar with their motorcycle.
Those who have completed a safety course.

11 . Your lane position should do all of the following, except:

Increase your ability to see and be seen.
Avoid other drivers' blind spots.
Avoid surface hazards.
Prevent access to an escape route.

12 . When changing lanes on a road with several lanes, you should:

Check only the lane next to you for traffic.
Check the lane next to you and the next lane over for traffic.
Rely only on your mirrors.
Not worry about signaling.

13 . A diamond-shaped sign is a:

Road hazard sign.
Interstate route sign.
School crossing sign.
Speed limit sign.
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14 . Of the following, what does alcohol not affect?

Sense of balance
Ability to see
Sense of smell

15 . Each traffic lane has how many “mini-lanes” that can be used by a motorcycle?


16 . If your motorcycle starts to shake when riding over rain grooves, you should:

Maintain your speed and continue straight across.
Allow the motorcycle to zigzag.
Pull over to the shoulder and ride past the grooves.
Cross them at an angle.

17 . A motorcycle needs:

Less frequent attention than a car.
More frequent attention than a car.
To have pre-ride checks performed only by a mechanic.
To be serviced only at a dealer.

18 . A person with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of _____ is considered legally intoxicated.

0.08 percent
0.04 percent
0.1 percent
0.15 percent

19 . Your lane position should help you:

Communicate your intentions to other drivers.
Keep others from passing you.
Travel to your destination as quickly as possible.
Linger in the blind spots of other drivers.

20 . A front tire blowout is especially dangerous because:

It affects the steering.
The front part of the motorcycle will be lower than usual.
The rear brake cannot be used.
The front brake cannot be used.

21 . If you must ride over an object in the road, you should not:

Slow down before reaching the object.
Make sure your motorcycle is straight up and down.
Rise slightly off your seat.
Speed up as you are about to hit the object.

22 . In which of the following situations should you increase your following distance?

Traffic is light.
Traffic is heavy.
You are able to see the roadway through vehicles in front of you.
There is pleasant and clear weather.

23 . An engine will seize due to:

A lack of fuel.
A lack of oil.
A lack of coolant.
Improper tire inflation.

24 . Most frequently, motorcyclists should travel in a ______ formation when traveling in a group.

Paired up

25 . A motorcyclist should attempt to avoid obstacles on the roadway. If avoiding an obstacle is not possible, the motorcyclist should:

Position their motorcycle in an upright position before coming into contact with the object.
Stay seated so the seat can cushion some of the impact.
Tilt the motorcycle to the left before coming into contact with the object.
Speed up before coming into contact with the object.