1 . Before every ride, you should:

Modify the exhaust system.
Clean and adjust your mirrors.
Clean your wheels.

2 . This sign means:

Merge right.
Divided highway begins.
Lane ends.

3 . This sign means:

Pedestrians ahead.
End of construction zone.
School crossing ahead.
Flagger ahead.

4 . Drivers on an entrance ramp may not see you on the highway. What should you do to help an entering driver merge safely?

Stay in your lane, as it is not your responsibility to be seen.
Change to a lane away from the entrance ramp, if possible.
Move to the shoulder.
Weave within your lane to be more obvious to the entering driver.

5 . When passing parked vehicles, motorcycle riders should be especially cautious of:

Motorists looking for a place to park.
Cars leaving their parking spaces.
Oncoming traffic.

6 . Using all three lane positions is:

Not encouraged because then you can never get used to any part of a lane.
Discouraged because it confuses other motorists.
Wise if you are adapting to changing conditions.

7 . To improve your chances of being seen, you should:

Use your headlight only at night or when conditions reduce visibility.
Always use your headlight.
Add an orange tint to your headlight.

8 . Crossbuck signs indicate:

Railroad crossings.
School zones.
No passing zones.

9 . The front brake:

Should only be used in an emergency.
Should be used with the rear brake.
Is unsafe to use.

10 . How does the stopping distance for motorcycles compare to the stopping distance for cars?

Cars need much longer to stop.
Cars need a little longer to stop.
Motorcycles need longer to stop.
Both motorcycles and cars take about the same amount of time to stop.

11 . When approaching a steady green traffic light, riders should:

Continue through the intersection, unless there are vehicles or pedestrians already within the intersection.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the intersection like a four-way stop.

12 . In general, which position within a lane is the best to ride in?

The left position
The right position
There is no single best lane position.

13 . When approaching a blind intersection, riders should:

Stop at the stop line before moving forward to improve their view of cross traffic.
Roll through the intersection.
Ignore the stop line and move forward to get a better look.
Stop at the stop line then proceed through the intersection.
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14 . If you accidentally lock your rear brake on a good traction surface, you should:

Let go of the rear brake.
Keep the rear brake locked until you stop.
Release the rear brake and only use the front brake.

15 . If you are riding in conditions that prevent you from seeing 100 feet ahead of you, you should:

Ride on the shoulder.
Get behind another vehicle and use them as a guide.
Ride at a slightly reduced speed.
Pull over and wait for the conditions to improve.

16 . This sign means:

Watch for bicycles.
Bicycles not allowed.
Bicycle repair shop ahead.
Bicycles have the right-of-way.

17 . When you are being passed by a vehicle on your left, you should:

Help the other driver by moving as far to the right as possible.
Help the other driver by moving to the shoulder.
Ride in the center portion of your lane.
Ride in the left portion of your lane

18 . If you must stop quickly in a curve, you should:

Straighten up, square the handlebars, and stop.
Abruptly apply both brakes while leaning.
Apply only the rear brake.
Apply only the front brake.

19 . To safely cross railroad tracks that run parallel to your lane, you should:

Approach the tracks at a 90-degree angle.
Approach the tracks at a 45-degree angle.
Slow down and creep across.

20 . Which of the following surfaces is unlikely to provide poor traction for motorcyclists?

Dry pavement
Wet leaves
An ice patch

21 . Mirror checks:

Should be part of your normal scanning routine.
Should be avoided because they will distract you.
Should be avoided since other drivers will see you easily.
Are only recommended in bad weather.

22 . One way to tell if your rear tire has gone flat while riding is if:

There is a hissing noise coming from the rear of the bike.
The back end is jerking from side to side.
You are unable to accelerate.
The rear brake does not work.

23 . Usually, a good way to handle a tailgater is to:

Move onto the shoulder to get out of their way.
Speed up and put distance between you and the tailgater.
Ignore them.
Change lanes and let them pass.

24 . This sign means:

No parking.
Divided highway ahead.
Left turn signal.

25 . A group of riders should pass another vehicle:

In a staggered formation.
In a pyramid formation.
One at a time.
In a splintered formation.