1 . If no traffic is present when you are taking a curve, it is a good idea to start:

On the outside of the curve.
On the inside of the curve.
Near the edge of the curve.

2 . To prevent getting fatigued on a long ride, you should do all of the following, except:

Dress warmly.
Limit the distance traveled in a day.
Take frequent rest breaks.
Take artificial stimulants.

3 . Pennant-shaped signs indicate:

School zones.
No passing zones.
Railroad crossings.

4 . If your rear wheel locks up while you are stopping on a straightaway:

You can usually maintain control of the motorcycle.
You will likely lose control of the motorcycle.
You will need to release the rear brake to regain control of the motorcycle.

5 . During the day, your headlight should:

Not be used.
Be used on its high beam setting.
Be used on its low beam setting.
Alternate between high beam and low beam settings.

6 . A pre-ride inspection should include all of the following, except:

A tire check.
A test of the turn signals.
A paint inspection.

7 . A way to lower the risk of being involved in a crash is to:

Communicate your intentions to other road users.
Not look ahead while riding.
Wear dark clothes.
Ride in the parts of a lane that make it difficult to be seen.

8 . An octagonal sign is always a:

Speed limit sign.
Stop sign.
Hospital sign.

9 . When stopping, you should:

Use both brakes.
Use the front brake only.
Use the rear brake only.

10 . This road sign means:

No right turn.
Turn right or left.
Traffic flows only in the direction of the arrow.

11 . In general, when riding at night, your headlight should:

Not be used.
Be used on its high beam setting.
Be used on its low beam setting.
Alternate between high beam and low beam settings.

12 . When gripping the handgrips, your hands should:

Be above your elbows.
Be even with or below your elbows.
Be close to your elbows.

13 . The best way to stop quickly is to:

Use the front brake only.
Use the rear brake first.
Throttle down and use the front brake.
Use both brakes simultaneously.
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14 . Braking in a turn is:

Easier than braking on a straightaway.
More difficult than braking on a straightaway.
Done safely by using the front brake only.
Done safely by using the rear brake only.

15 . Long-term exposure to wind noise:

Is not a danger.
Can cause irreversible hearing damage.
Is just part of riding a motorcycle.

16 . When approaching a steady green traffic light, riders should:

Continue through the intersection, unless there are vehicles or pedestrians already within the intersection.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the intersection like a four-way stop.

17 . Head checks should be done:

Only when changing lanes.
Only when turning.
Infrequently, because they take your eyes off the road ahead.
Frequently as a part of your normal routine.

18 . Experienced riders use a system known as SIPDE to make judgments while riding. What does the "S" stand for?


19 . If you are transporting a passenger, they should:

Lean as you lean.
Hold onto the motorcycle seat.
Sit as far back as possible.
Never hold onto you.

20 . A motorcyclist's cushion of space:

Should always stay the same.
Should vary according to riding conditions.
Is not necessary in most situations.
Should be avoided to keep traffic moving safely.

21 . When packing a load on a motorcycle:

The heavier items should go toward the front.
The heavier items should go toward the rear.
Mounting loads behind the rear axle is recommended.
Lighter items should be stored in front of you.

22 . When a group of riders is passing another vehicle on a two-lane road, the riders should:

Pass one at a time.
Pass in a staggered formation with several riders passing at the same time.
Pass in pairs.

23 . When approaching a railroad crossing that is being controlled by flashing red lights, you should:

Be ready to travel faster than the approaching train.
Come to a complete stop.
Look for a way around any lowered gates.

24 . When approaching a flashing amber light, riders should:

Increase their speed.
Slow down and proceed with caution.
Come to a complete stop.

25 . Before mounting the motorcycle, your pre-ride inspection should include all of the following, except:

A tire check.
A taillight test.
A headlight test.
A paint check.