1 . Maintaining a space cushion between your motorcycle and its surroundings is important because it:

Prevents distractions from other vehicles.
Allows you time to react to unexpected situations.
Keeps traffic flowing at a steady pace.
Keeps other drivers alert.

2 . In addition to hazardous road conditions, riders should search for:

Traffic approaching from behind.
Oncoming traffic that could turn left in front of them.
Traffic entering from side roads to the left and right.
All of the above.

3 . When in traffic, motorcycles need:

Much less distance to stop than cars.
Less distance to stop than cars.
As much distance to stop as cars.
More distance to stop than cars.

4 . What should you do when you see this sign?

Look for a train station ahead.
Signal before going any further.
Slow down and yield for trains.

5 . When carrying a passenger, you should:

Sit farther forward than you usually do.
Sit farther back than you usually do.
Sit in your usual comfortable position.

6 . Passengers should:

Lean with the operator.
Never come into contact with the operator.
Sit as far back on their seat as possible.
Hold onto their seat.

7 . When traveling in a group, riders should usually not:

Ride in a staggered formation.
Keep the group large.
Place beginning riders just behind the lead riders.

8 . When you are being passed on the left, you should:

Speed up.
Ride in the right portion of the lane.
Ride in the center portion of the lane.

9 . Several factors influence blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Which of the following does not play a role?

The amount of alcohol consumed
How fast a person drinks
Body weight

10 . If you must stop quickly, you should:

Use the front brake only.
Use the front brake first.
Use the front brake at the same time as the rear brake.

11 . When entering a turn, a rider should:

Speed up.
Reduce their speed.
Move their shoulders to match the angle of the turn.
Sit up as high as possible.

12 . More than half of all crashes:

Occur at speeds greater than 35 mph.
Happen at night.
Are caused by worn tires.
Involve riders who have ridden their motorcycles for less than six months.

13 . A motorcyclist who is under the age of 21 will have their license suspended for riding with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of:

0.02 percent.
0.04 percent.
0.08 percent.
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14 . Taking over-the-counter medication before riding:

Is usually fine since over-the-counter medications are never very strong.
Is acceptable all the time.
May affect your riding abilities and should be done with caution.

15 . When crossing angled railroad tracks, it is usually best to:

Use the shoulder of the road to slow down before crossing the tracks.
Walk your motorcycle across the tracks.
Continue straight within your lane to cross the tracks.

16 . Before every ride, you should:

Modify the exhaust system.
Clean and adjust your mirrors.
Clean your wheels.

17 . Experienced riders use a system known as SIPDE to make judgments while riding. What does the "I" stand for?


18 . When stopping your motorcycle while carrying a passenger, you should:

Ride a little faster than you normally would.
Start slowing earlier than you normally would.
Merge into smaller gaps of traffic than you normally would.

19 . When riding in a staggered formation, the third rider in the group should ride _______ behind the leader.

One second
Two seconds
Three seconds
Four seconds

20 . When riding with a passenger, you should tell them to do all of the following, except:

Get on the motorcycle after the engine has been started.
Sit as far forward as they can without crowding you.
Hold firmly onto your waist, hips, or belt.
Feel free to talk whenever they want.

21 . This road sign means:

Sharp right turn.
A road joins from the right.
The road ahead turns sharply right, then sharply left.
Winding road ahead.

22 . A proper lane position should:

Decrease your visibility to others.
Invite others to use your lane.
Provide you with at least one escape route.

23 . You must have ______ insurance to legally operate a motor vehicle.

Personal injury

24 . When preparing to pass a vehicle on the left, you should ride in which portion of the lane?

The left portion
The center portion
The right portion

25 . What should you do when you see this sign?

Look for a train station ahead.
Signal before going any further.
Slow down and yield to trains.