1 . Large trucks are likely to lose speed when:

Driving up long or steep hills.
Driving in long, gradual curves.
Driving down long, gradual hills.

2 . This road sign means:

Flagger ahead.
Turn left at the intersection.
Last turn before a toll road.

3 . If you are getting tired while driving, you should:

Stop and either get rest or change drivers.
Drink something with caffeine.
Open a window.

4 . You want to make a right turn at the corner. A pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you. Before making your right turn, you should:

Turn off your engine until the person crosses the street.
Tell the pedestrian when to cross the street.
Wait until the person crosses the street.

5 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Intersection ahead.
Merging traffic from the right.

6 . Motorcycles on the road:

Are vehicles with the same rights and responsibilities as larger motor vehicles.
Do not follow specific rules of the road.
Must always yield the right-of-way to larger motor vehicles.

7 . This sign means:

Trucks entering.
Truck exit only.
Steep downgrade ahead.

8 . A broken yellow line beside a solid yellow line indicates that:

Passing is permitted from the lane next to the solid yellow line.
Passing is not permitted from either direction.
Passing is permitted from the lane next to the broken yellow line.

9 . When you are facing a green light and there are pedestrians in the intersection:

You must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.
You have the right-of-way over pedestrians.
Pedestrians must wait for you to cross.

10 . To avoid traction loss on wet roads, you should:

Make abrupt turns.
Apply the brakes firmly.
Slow down.

11 . A steady yellow traffic signal light is a warning that the light is about to change to red. If you are already within the intersection when a green light changes to yellow, you should:

Continue moving and clear the intersection safely.
Increase your speed so as not to cause an accident.

12 . You must show proof of insurance to law enforcement:

Only if you are involved in a collision.
If you are involved in a collision or stopped for a citation.
Only if you are stopped and cited.

13 . You should yield to a pedestrian:

Only if they are in a crosswalk.
At all times, even if the pedestrian is not obeying traffic laws.
Only if the traffic lights are in the pedestrian's favor.

14 . When passing another car, you have enough space to return to the driving lane:

If the other driver signals for you to re-enter the lane.
If you look over your shoulder and see the passed car behind you.
If you can see both of the passed vehicle's headlights in your rearview mirror.

15 . A large truck is ahead of you and is turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction. The truck:

May complete its turn in either of the two lanes.
May have to swing wide to complete the right turn.
Must stay in the right lane at all times while turning.

16 . The center of the roadway is marked with one solid yellow line and one broken yellow line. If the broken yellow line is directly next to your traffic lane, it means:

You are not allowed to pass in this area.
You are in a passing zone and it is safe for you to pass other vehicles on the left if no oncoming traffic is present.
You are only allowed to make right turns in this area.

17 . This white sign means:

The railroad crossing is controlled. Continue at your regular speed.
Look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing if necessary.
Stop at the railroad tracks and wait for a signal before crossing.

18 . This white sign means you should not pass other vehicles:

Until after you pass the sign.
Unless it seems safe to do so.
For any reason.

19 . If you are being followed too closely on a two-lane road:

Reduce your speed slowly to encourage the tailgater to drive around you.
Speed up to increase the distance between you and the other car.
Apply your brakes to slow down, then resume your original speed.

20 . If your vehicle begins to skid, you should:

Ease up on the gas pedal.
Brake as hard as possible.
Turn off the ignition.

21 . Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?

They are eliminated if you have one outside mirror on each side of the vehicle.
Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.
Blind spots can be checked by looking in your rearview mirrors.

22 . Which of the following statements is true?

Driving too slowly is not an unsafe practice.
Driving too slowly on certain highways can be dangerous.
The speed at which you drive a vehicle does not affect safety.

23 . This sign is used to warn drivers about:

Upcoming intersections.
Road construction.
Road curves ahead.

24 . What is an important step in turning?

Check traffic in all directions.
Increase your speed.
Always move to the left lane.

25 . If a child is about to run into the street, you should:

Start to prepare to slow down.
Flash your headlights.
Sound a sharp blast of your horn.

26 . This road sign means:

Pedestrian crossing.
School crossing.
Jogging trail.
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27 . While in a motor vehicle on a highway, it is:

Illegal to either drink from or possess open containers of alcohol.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're not driving.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're driving but not drunk.

28 . Which of these statements is true about large trucks?

They take longer to stop than passenger vehicles.
They all have air brakes that allow them to stop quickly.
They are more maneuverable than passenger vehicles.

29 . If you come to an intersection and your view to the side is blocked, you should:

Slow down and look both ways.
Maintain your speed and look both ways.
Stop, then inch forward until you can see clearly in both directions.

30 . If your car becomes disabled while on the highway, you should:

Stop in the right lane.
Park with all four wheels off the traveled highway, if possible.
Stop where you are.

31 . If the driver of an oncoming vehicle fails to dim their headlights:

Look toward the center of the roadway.
Look toward the right side of the road.
Look straight ahead.

32 . This sign means:

There is a 35 mph speed zone after the curve ahead.
Drive no slower than 35 mph around the upcoming curve.
Approach the upcoming curve at a speed of 35 mph or slower.

33 . Double solid yellow line markings down the center of a road indicate that passing is:

Allowed from both directions.
Allowed only from your direction of travel.
Not allowed from either direction.

34 . If a truck or bus is making a right turn where you also need to make a right turn, you should:

Quickly turn before the truck or bus is able to.
Wait until the truck or bus turns before you turn.
Squeeze between the truck or bus and the curb.

35 . This road sign means:

Upcoming intersection.
Railroad crossing.

36 . Driving more slowly than surrounding traffic is:

A good idea if the weather is bad.
Appropriate if you don’t know the speed limit.
Often a hazard because other drivers may become frustrated and try to pass you.

37 . This sign means:

Road construction/maintenance area.
Side road.
Railroad ahead.

38 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
Traffic signal ahead.
Railroad ahead.

39 . Changing from one lane to another is best done:

Quickly and often.
When a car is in your blind spot.
Gradually and carefully.

40 . This road sign means:

School crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Jogging trail.

41 . Interstate driving requires drivers to:

Have the ability to safely drive at increased speeds.
Be constantly alert.
Both of the above.

42 . A solid yellow line on your side of the centerline means:

Reduce your speed.
Traffic light ahead.
Do not pass.

43 . Hydroplaning occurs when tires ride on a thin film of water instead of on the road. To prevent hydroplaning in wet weather, you should:

Put on your cruise control to maintain a constant speed.
Slow down.
Move to the shoulder of the road as soon as it starts to rain.

44 . You should not make sudden stops in front of large trucks and buses because:

Small vehicle drivers cannot adequately see large trucks and buses in their rearview mirrors.
Large trucks and buses, due to their size and weight, require longer distances to stop than smaller passenger vehicles.
Large trucks and buses travel at a higher speeds than small vehicles.

45 . This sign means:

Yield the right-of-way.
No passing zone.
Reduction in lanes.

46 . If you come to a railroad crossing with lowered gates and flashing warning lights, you should:

Drive around the crossing gates if you can't see a train.
Come to a complete stop well behind the gates, wait for the tracks to clear, and proceed once the gates are lifted.
Slow down and drive around the gates.

47 . If the rear of your vehicle is skidding to the left, you should:

Not turn your steering wheel.
Turn your steering wheel to the left to correct the skid.
Turn your steering wheel to the right to correct the skid.

48 . You may cross double yellow lines to pass another vehicle if the:

Vehicle in front of you moves to the right to let you pass.
Yellow line next to your side of the road is broken.
Yellow line next to the opposite side of the road is broken.

49 . Use your headlights on rainy, snowy, or foggy days:

To keep your engine warm.
So others can see your vehicle.
To warn others of bad weather conditions.

50 . There are two traffic lanes moving in your direction. You are driving in the left lane and many vehicles are passing you on the right. If the driver behind you wishes to drive faster, you should:

Stay in your lane so you don't impede the flow of traffic.
Drive onto the left shoulder to let the other vehicles pass.
Move into the right lane when it is safe.