1 . Slippery surfaces can make it difficult to control a motorcycle. Which of the following would be considered a slippery surface?

Wet pavement
A driveway
Dry pavement
A parking lot

2 . This sign means:

Winding road ahead.
Do not enter.
Pedestrian crossing.

3 . This sign is a warning that you are approaching:

An intersection.
A crosswalk.
A railroad crossing.

4 . If your motorcycle starts to wobble, it is best to:

Grip the handlebars firmly and close the throttle gradually.
Gradually apply your brakes.

5 . As your motorcycle increases speed, you will:

Need to shift up through the gears.
Need to shift down through the gears.
Need to put the motorcycle into neutral.

6 . You have been drinking alcohol. If you wait an hour for each drink before riding your motorcycle:

You cannot be arrested for drinking and riding.
Your riding skills will not be affected.
Side effects from the drinking may still remain.
You will be okay as long as you ride slowly.

7 . When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should be:

In the front.
Just behind the lead rider.
In the rear.

8 . This sign means:

Pedestrians walking along the road ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Pedestrians must not cross here.

9 . A yellow and black diamond-shaped sign:

Warns you about conditions on or near the road.
Helps direct you to cities and towns ahead.
Tells you about traffic laws and regulations.
Tells you about road construction ahead.

10 . When riding over grooved pavement in a work zone, you should:

Look down to watch for changes in the road surface.
Keep your head and eyes up.
Move to the edge of the roadway.

11 . Riding gloves are often:

Made of leather.
Made of wool.
Not pre-curved.
Unsafe for the rider.

12 . When other vehicles are slowed or stopped:

A motorcyclist should not weave between lanes of traffic.
It is acceptable for a motorcyclist to weave in and out of traffic lanes.
A motorcyclist should ride in a straight line between two lanes.

13 . From top to bottom, the following is the proper order for traffic lights:

Red, yellow, green.
Red, green, yellow.
Green, red, yellow.

14 . The shortest and safest stops are accomplished:

By using only the rear brake.
By using only the front brake.
By allowing the front tire to lock up.
By using both the front and rear brakes.

15 . Your lane position should do all of the following, except:

Increase your ability to see and be seen.
Avoid other drivers' blind spots.
Avoid surface hazards.
Prevent access to an escape route.

16 . A larger cushion of space may not be necessary if:

The pavement is slippery.
You cannot see through the vehicle ahead of you.
Weather and traffic conditions are perfect.
Traffic is heavy.

17 . The single most effective thing you can do to improve your chances of surviving an accident is:

Wear a helmet.
Read books on motorcycle safety.
Ask others about how to ride more safely.
Watch training videos.

18 . This sign means:

Crossroad ahead.
Flagger ahead.
Lane ends.
Turn right or go straight.

19 . This sign means:

U-turns are prohibited.
U-turns are permitted.
Winding road ahead.
Sharp left turn ahead.

20 . If wearing a jacket for protection while riding in hot weather, you should:

Take frequent breaks to cool off.
Remove the jacket to stay cool while in the sun.
Keep the jacket on to protect you from the heat.

21 . When being passed, it is usually best for motorcyclists to be in which part of the lane?

The right
The center
The left
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22 . A person who is above the legal drinking age with a minimum prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC) of _____ is considered legally intoxicated.

0.08 percent
0.04 percent
0.1 percent
0.15 percent

23 . To lessen your chances of being involved in a crash, you should:

Not use your turn signals when changing lanes.
Follow other vehicles closely.
Watch about five feet ahead of your motorcycle while riding.
Always be ready to use crash-avoidance techniques.

24 . Which of the following is not considered protective clothing for a motorcyclist?

A jacket
A stocking cap

25 . When being followed by a tailgater, you should:

Change lanes and let them pass or slow down to allow for more space ahead of your motorcycle.
Ignore them.
Increase your speed.

26 . If you are being passed, you should:

Ride in the left portion of the lane.
Ride in the center portion of the lane.
Ride in the right portion of the lane.

27 . When braking where traction is reduced, you should:

Apply the brakes more quickly than usual.
Apply the brakes more gently than usual.
Not use the rear brake.
Not use the front brake.

28 . Riding a motorcycle is ______ driving a car.

Less tiring than
More tiring than
Just as tiring as
No different from

29 . If you accidentally lock your rear brake on a good traction surface, you should:

Let go of the rear brake.
Keep the rear brake locked until you stop.
Release the rear brake and only use the front brake.

30 . This sign means:

Trucks under 18,000 lbs. allowed.
Hill ahead.
Truck stop ahead.
No trucks allowed.

31 . What can help reduce the risk of a head or neck injury in the event of a crash?

Riding on the shoulder
Riding under the speed limit
Wearing a helmet
Not allowing a passenger on the motorcycle

32 . To execute a turn safely, a motorcycle rider should always:

Lean in the direction of the curve.
Slow down in the turn.
Turn by using only the handle bars.

33 . When riding with a passenger, you should tell them to do all of the following, except:

Get on the motorcycle after the engine has been started.
Sit as far forward as they can without crowding you.
Hold firmly onto your waist, hips, or belt.
Feel free to talk whenever they want.

34 . What should be your first consideration when buying a motorcycle helmet?


35 . This sign means:

Heavy traffic ahead.
Do not enter.
Railroad crossing.

36 . Where is the rear brake pedal usually located?

On the left handgrip
On the right handgrip
Near the left footrest
Near the right footrest

37 . Usually, a good way to handle a tailgater is to:

Move onto the shoulder to get out of their way.
Speed up and put distance between you and the tailgater.
Ignore them.
Change lanes and let them pass.

38 . Before every ride, you should:

Make sure the clutch feels loose and free.
Wash your helmet.
Make sure each brake can hold the motorcycle.

39 . If a driver is tailgating you, you should:

Speed up.
Allow them to pass.
Prevent them from passing.
Move to one side of your lane to allow them to share the lane.

40 . To be effective, eye or face shield protection must:

Fasten securely.
Restrict your vision to the sides so you can focus on the road ahead.
Not allow eyeglasses or sunglasses to be worn.